2 ~ The insanely cool Jared Kleinman

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Y/N POV ---

I was currently in the hallway speed walking to my 2nd Period class Science. I've heard different reviews about this teacher though. Some say shes nice and some say she's the devil. But hopefully I'll have Evan in this class, too bad I didn't ask what his schedule was. Maybe it was good so I wouldn't sound like a stalker, too. Well, I guess we'll see then.

I walked over to the classroom 'B12' and pulled open the door, I scanned the room looking for Evan's head but he wasn't anywhere to be seen, sadly. I silently groaned as the teacher interrupted me. I looked over to her. She was old definetly. She was wearing a science shirt with some pants and had glasses on.

"You can sit wherever you want right now." She grumbled.

"Okay.." I mumbled and hurried over to the second to last row of the class and went to the very side so I was closest to the door. I looked around the class and saw it was pretty cliche if you ask me:

It had in the front the goody two shoes, the row behind that the pretty good kids. Then behind there was the in the middle kids. There was the row I was in with the kids in the back who just wanted to leave and not be here. Looking in the back row I saw a kid with a black hoodie and long brown hair with their head down. I stared at them, laughing that they kinda looked like Connor but shrugged it off; Connor does have a lot of Common features, except for his eyes. Maybe I can find out if it is him from that.




Finally my first few classes went by and I was now headed to lunch. I met Evan on the way there so we were currently walking together to the cafeteria.
"S-so.." Evan started, and I turned my head to him and hummed, " About that... m-m-m-m-musical.." I could tell he was nervous 'cause of his stuttering. I know he's Evan but it was still getting pretty bad.
" Why i-is there a m-musical a-a-about my b-boring life?" He sounded kinda of confused and concerned, but I just laughed at it.
" Well, do you want me to explain?" I asked and Evan nodded.

"Okay, so. You go to your first day of highschool." I started out as we got in the lunchline, " And then you need to print out a letter that your therapist made you write, to yourself." He nodded.

" I already d-did that." He laughed a bit.

" Alrghty then. Next when you're trying to print it out, a boy.." I pointed to his cast, " Connor Murphy to be exact, " I noticed he was blushing as we got our food and walked to a table." He sees that nobody signed your cast so he signs it. But.." I make the 't' go longer," He gets your letter since you were in the computer lab and reads it and its about his sister; Zoe." I looked at Evan again as this time he looked embarrassed but not flustered. " He thinks that you wrote it to make fun of him.. a-and he calls you a freak and runs off.." I sadly said the last part as Evan sighed sadly.

"Yeah.. t-that happened too." He muttered.

" And then-"

"Whoa Evan you got yourself a girlfriend over break and didn't tell me?" We both jolted up to see the person none other than-

"Jared..." Evan Groaned as Jared sat down.

Jared only chuckled at Evan and turned to me all smug looking.

He started to introduce himself." I'm as you know-"

"Jared Kleinman, Evan's family friend and you only hang out with him so your mom pays for car insurance." I stared him cold in the eyes.
"And you eat bath bombs." I gave him a smug look in return and ate a bite out of my Hotdog. Jareds jaw dropped for a split second before looking disgusted and scared at the same time.

"So you stalk me?! The hell type of girlfriend are you?!" Jared scrunched up his nose while I did a VERY long sigh.

"One: Evan is not my boyfriend, I just met him today. And Two: I wanted to talk to him more about the musical you guys are in." I grabbed my phone and started to play the video I saved of a recording of the whole DEH musical I managed to find. I gave the boys my phone as I ate and packed up my stuff. Halfway into the video I paused it and snatched back my phone, to which both Jared and Evan whined.

"C'mon! It was getting good!" Jared complained to me."Evan's actually talented at something besides jerking o-" Evan slapped his hand against the others mouth and he immediately pulled it back and looked disgusted.

"Lemme guess, you licked his hand." I groaned.

" I licked his hand!" Jared snickered as poor Evan poured a handful of sanitizer onto his hand.

"Thats gross but whatever. And I have play rehearsal right now." I said, getting up from the lunch table.

"Also.." I pulled out a sticky note and wrote down my number and put it on Evan's forehead. " That's my number. Text me if you want and I'll send you the link to the musical." I smiled and walked away. "I'll see you on the flipside!"

I heard Jared secretly as I walked away : "Damn Hansen are you sure she isn't your girlfriend?"



I walked into the classroom the drama club sign up sheet said it would be. But before I opened the door, I heard singing.

"And its starting! It's starting, soon~" i realized it was f*cking Christine Canigula and busted open the door to reveal Christine on a chair and Jeremy sitting down watching her. They both freaked as I popped in out of no where and immediately apologized.

" Oh sorry Christine!" I laughed awkwardly before sitting down next to Jeremy.

"Before you two ask, I know both of you, sorry if I sound creepy. But you're both in a musical called 'Be More Chill'." I said and Jeremy looked like he was having a panick attack while Christine had stars in her eyes. "I'm in a MUSICAL?!" Christine hopped down from the chair and shook my shoulders in excitement. "Tell me EVERYTHING about it!" She beamed, sitting down next to Jeremy. "Well.." I began. "It's about Jeremy here, and his boyfriend Michael Mell." I smirked as Jeremy punched me in the side, flustered. "H-hey! Michaels not my boyfriend! He's my best friend!" He pouted. I grinned at him. "Sure. Go read the fan fictions." "Anyways! So, Jeremy wants to be popular because of his crush on a girl. And then Rich tells him about this thing called a squip; it can 'change your life.' " I sarcastically described the squip as Jeremy laughed at me. "So he buys one from the back of Payless and he gets with Brooke to get the girl he likes jealous but sadly he finds out she likes Jake. Then at the Halloween party Jake also sets up, Michale confronts Jeremy about him ignoring him and Jeremy blows him off." I growled at Jeremy and gave him death stares as he quivered in fear. "So he almost gets raped by Chloe Valentine and later. Rich set a fire and burnt down the house," I added the little 'woah' at the end," Jeremy realizes at the end that his squip is evil and at the play he's in everyone gets infected with it and michale manages to fix everyone with Mountain Dew red and Jeremy asks his crush out and they live happily ever after, the end." I said, looking at my peers. "Wait. Wasn't Mountain Dew red discontinued in the-" "YES, Jer, it was." I said, still sarcastic. "Well that's a cool story!" Christine clapped her hands together like a child" I wonder who Jeremy's crush is~" She gave him wiggle eyebrows and a side nudge, making Jeremy giggle nervously. 'I love play rehearsal.'

A/N - Second part out! Hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2019 ⏰

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