VIII. Downpour

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My phone vibrated, "Were you able to leave rehearsals early?" it was Jennie who texted.

"Yep! I already took the train so I can get there fast. Can't wait to see you." I messaged back as I stood in the coaches, holding a beautiful pink rose, waiting for just one more station.

It was cold that day, but when the the train arrived at my stop, I still went and ran the remainder of the way from the subway station. 

Jennie and I have been doing this a few times now. If we wanted to go on a date, we have to do everything discreetly. And since we can't be seen in public, we usually meet inside establishments.

I arrived at the restaurant that is close to Limario's apartment only a few minutes late. 

I immediately spotted her sitting at a table on the farthest corner. I told the waiter that my company is already seated and sneaked my way behind Jennie to surprise her.

"Hey beautiful!" I whispered from behind and showed the pink rose I got her.

"Oh, you're here. Aww... you're the sweetest!" she took the rose and smelled it as I sat opposite her. "These are really pretty. You know, Lisa loves pink roses."

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows at her in question. I didn't know if she meant to say that or if it just suddenly came to her mind. 

I DID like pink roses because they are very beautiful, signify grace and elegance, as well as sweetness which perfectly describes Jennie.

"I'm sorry." she embarrassingly said "I was just thinking of her. That juvenile is rarely at home and we just miss her little antics."

I felt guilt at the pit of my stomach. "Well, maybe she's got a reasonable explanation for always going out..."

We spent at least two hours at the restaurant. Jennie likes talking about relevant topics ranging from fluffy pets, to fashion, to life's purpose. At first I though it was a little too much for my liking, but I always end up enjoying talking to her. It made me realize a lot of things in life.

We continued chatting even after we left the premises.

"I'll walk you to your dormitory." I offered.

"Thanks, but don't feel like you have to if its out of your way. I'm just a few more blocks from here." she said.

"Well its the same with me, but my apartment is just ONE block away. Its not a bother, specially if I get to see you off and get to talk to you more." I smiled at her then added, "Plus, you'd get a warm body beside you while walking." I nudged her elbow playfully and laughed, as the cold wind lightly blew. She eventually obliged.

After we crossed an intersection, it suddenly started to drizzle. "Oh my, can't you just wait for 10 more minutes?" I told the rain, we only had our coats with us.

"It's starting to fall down really hard. We should find shelter." Jennie suggested.

"Well, my place is just around this corner." I offered and we both sprinted towards it.

Fortunately, we reached the small empty entrance hall of my apartment building before the downpour.

The temperature seems to be dropping further, but in as much as I wanted to offer my room to Jennie, I could not. I figured she might get uncomfortable since I'm a man. With that, we resolved to just wait for the rain to stop in the lobby. 

After a few minutes later, one of the building's old tenants went down with his granddaughter and greeted me "Hey!" I smiled and waved at them both. 

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