Mine - Nick Jackson

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Nick was usually never the jealous kind, but he was whenever I flirted with his brother Matt. The Elite had a match tonight and I wore a Young Bucks shirt and shorts that might have been too short. I paraded around the ring to encourage the guys. Nick went to the top rope, executing the 450 splash on Scorpio Sky. I pressed my body against Matt's just to make Nick jealous. Nick tagged Matt in and pulled me close to his body. Matt pinned Scorpio Sky after super kicking him. Picking up the three count for The Elite. Once we exited the ring,I spoke softly.

"Congratulations tonight guys."
"Thanks sweetheart." Matt said with a smirk as he turned to look at his brother. Nick was pissed off at this point, but waited till we were alone.

"What the fuck was that y/n ?" He said in growl. This side of Nick scared me. He rarely ever cusses like that.

"Nothing baby." I said innocently,looking into his crystal blue eyes softly.

"Bullshit! You were flirting with my brother!"

"Calm down baby,it was just to get the crowd excited."

"Damn Right you did." Before I could speak Nick pinned me against the wall and kissed me passionately. I ran my fingers through his long,brown hair gently. Giving it a slight tug now and then.

Nick and I packed our things and made it over to our hotel. He got us checked in and the elevator ride was silent. Waiting for the subtle ding of the door,once it opened we raced to get inside our room.

I pushed opened the door,dragging Nick inside.

"Don't ever flirt with Matt again."

" I won't baby." I looked him in the eyes innocently.

"Good because you're Mine." Nick would slip my shirt over my head,and rip my bra off in one swift motion. My perky breasts popping free,biting my lip gently. Nick taking my left nipple into his mouth,swirling his tongue around the sensitive nub. Making my back arch off the bed,Nick smirking at me as he kneaded the other nipple.

He decided to be a tease tonight,kissing down my chest and tugging down my shorts. Looking up at me with devilish intentions.

"No panties, you've been such a bad girl today."

Nick kissed my inner thighs and licked my slit gently. Sucking my clit into his mouth,tugging ever so gently.

"Fuck,Nick I need you baby!"

He didn't have to be told twice,he ridding himself of his clothes. Lining himself up with my entrance and without warning he slammed into me.

"Fuckkk!!! Baby."

"You like that my dirty girl?" He smirked down at me . Snapping his hips against mine causing friction,making me buck my hips to match his thrusts. Wrapping my legs around his waist,pulling him closer.

Starting to get that familiar feeling in my stomach, I began to tighten around Nick's cock. He was throbbing inside of me indicating that he was close as well.

"Babe,I'm gonna cum!!"

"Cum inside of me Nick!"

Nick gave one more powerful thrust,releasing rope after rope of his warm cum inside of me. I came undone and came all over Nick.

"Damn, baby that was great."

"You're great Nick ." Leaning up to kiss him softly. He kissed you back deeply.

"Did I hurt you baby?"

"No, honey I'm okay. I like it rough now and then."

"I love you sweetheart."

"I love you Nicky."

He pulled me close as we cuddled the rest of the night. Pulling the blankets over us, Nick played with my hair until I fell asleep,placing a kiss on my forehead.

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