What's My Name? - Kenny Omega {smut.}

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This part will contain Smut. I wrote this for a special friend of mine. They gave me inspiration to write this one.

I was at home all day while Kenny and the rest of the Elite were filming for the day. I managed to clean the house spotless before he came home. Deciding that I need to shower and freshen up, I did just that. Putting on my Red lingerie set which happens to be Kenny's favorite. Curling my hair and adding a touch of makeup. Topping it all off with a white plush robe, laying on the bed softly waiting for him to come home. Hours went by and I finally heard the door open and close.

"Y/n where are you baby?"

"I'm upstairs honey!"

Shortly after I hear his footsteps marching towards me. Sitting up quickly so he could see me all dolled up for him. Upon opening the bedroom door I heard him chuckling to himself. Once the door was open his jaw nearly hit the floor.

"What's all of this for babe?"

"You'll see Kenny."

You took a moment to admire your boyfriend's handsome features and physique.  Noticing he had his hair extensions in and was wearing his aviators. You decide to kiss him passionately as he returned the favour. Running your fingers through his thick curls as things intensified.

The bulge in his pants was growing the more you continued to tease him. He broke the kiss to warn you about something. You already knew what it was but you wanted to hear it anyway.

"Baby girl, if you don't stop teasing I'm going to have to punish you." His tone was firm, yet calm. You continue to tease him by grinding against him. Kenny has had enough of your games.

Kenny would push you on the bed as his eyes darkened with lust. He began to disrobe you. His large hands roaming your body.

"What did I tell you baby girl?"
"No teasing."
"Mhm, and you disobeyed, now I have to punish you."

Kenny would tear off your lingerie and take left nipple into his mouth, while he pinched and kneaded the right one. His hand would wonder down to where you wanted him the most. His fingers danced around your clit and you grew frustrated.

"Kenny don't tease me baby!"
"You're not getting Kenny tonight babe, you're gettin' the cleaner."

Kenny would unbutton his pants and his erect cock would spring free. He would slip into you with ease snapping his hips against yours.  Bucking your hips up to match his thrusts. Causing profanities to fall from his mouth.

He would pick up the pace and fuck you faster, reaching his hand down to rub your clit. Kissing the side of your neck as he left a hickey. Getting that familiar pit in your stomach.

"Kenny! I'm gonna cum baby!"
"Me to babe, fuck !"

Kenny was close as well. You can feel him begin to throb inside of you. Slamming into your pussy at a rapid pace. He was animalistic at this point.

"Where do you want it babe?"

"Inside of me!"

With one final thrust he unloaded rope after rope of warm cum inside of you. You cumming around his cock. Laying together being still as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Did I hurt your baby girl?"
"No babe, I love your rough side from time to time."

Intertwining your hands together as you fell asleep in his arms.

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