Chapter 10

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It had been a few days since Harry's outburst. I learned the person he was yelling about was in fact Sirius Black, the same person whom my mother and father escaped Azkaban with. With this knowledge I joined them on their expedition for answers on the topic. Over the time that has passed, I heard from both Hermione and Harry that Harry was in fact, being threatened with the confrontation of Sirius. That Sirius was looking for Harry.

I was with my usual friends, Hermione, Harry and Ron. Ron had lost scabbers (his rat) at the beginning of the year. He was blaming Hermione that her cat at his rat, accusing her almost everyday. Imagine his expression when he saw scabbers again and had to face hermione. I had actually been the one to find scabbers. Which takes us to where we are now.

"Ron?" I ask as we approach the womping willow. "Isnt that you're rat?" Looking down in the grass in front of us, there was a rustling slowly making it's way towards us. The grass was just short enough for me to see the colours of its fur. Ron runs towards the rustling and picks up the rat in front of us. "Scabbers! You're right y/n, its him!" He says hiddly holding the rat in his hands, not noticing the growling coming from behind us. It was him, it had to have been. A wolf, a large one too, fully black coat and the most blood thirsty look I have ever seen on any animal. "What?" The growling increases and Ron finally realizing what's behind him, he starts to tremble. The wolf runs through us, then heads straight for ron. It grabs hold of him with no effort. "Ron!" Hermione sprints towards him, me and Harry following her. We watch as Ron gets dragged under a tree. But not just any tree, the womping willow. The womping willow is what absolutely destroyed Harry's broom, and we were a bit too close to it. Soon a branch comes slamming down, knocking Harry's glasses off him. Hermione and me are soon after whacked by another branch. Both of us are stuck on this branch that's feels like it's going 100 mph or more. "I think I'm gonna be sick." I mutter. I love rides and all but this was too much. As I grasp on for dear life I watch Hermione reach out and grab Harry. Now, all three of us are going to get thrown across the field, probably die in the process. Hermione drops Harry into the hole under the tree and follows. Theres no better place to go so I let go aswell. I scream as I fall down the hole. I'm getting major slice and wonderland vibes. That vibe is soon broken, as I thud into a pile at the bottom. "Sorry guys..." they only groan in response as I get off them.

We regain composure and finally start to explore the tunnel under the womping willow. "I have a hunch I know where this leads, but I dont want it to be right." Harry breaks the silence, and soon enough we are in the rickety shack. You could hear the stairs creak just from the wind alone, no need to step on them. That wasnt the only thing you could hear, whimpers from ron seemed just above us. After giving each other a quick nod, we decide to bust in. "Ron!" Harry says as we run over to him. "That's him! Thats the Grimm he's an animagus!" He shouts pointing in the direction of a door, a tall man standing behind it, throwing it open. Hermione instinctively jumps in front of harry. "If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!" He grins wildly in response, "Only one will die tonight." He giggles. Harry is not being protected anymore, for he has lunged at the man and is now on top of him. Holding his wand to his throat. They mutter to each other, a conversation that may only be heard by them, covered by the creaking if the shack. Until someone rushes in.

"Expeliarmus!" Harry is disarmed and knocked over. Once seeing who it is, he gets up and joins us. Professor Lupin takes Harry's place, wand held at his throat. "Its been some time hasn't it?" They laugh and Lupin helps the man- who u presume is Sirius- up of the ground, and onto his feet. "You! I trusted you!" I turn to face Hermione, the source of the outburst, confused. Professor lupin looks at hermoine, panting, while holding Sirius. I'm getting some vibes from these two...  can't help but smirk at them, quickly being pulled out of my train of thought though again by Hermione. "He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!" She screeches pointing at Lupin. The happiness in his expression fades, he lets go of Sirius and slowly starts stalking towards us. "How long have you known?" I back up into Ron and Harry, I give my props to Hermione to be able to stay so brave right now. "Since professor snaps set the essay." She answers, lupin stopping his stalk. "Well,well,Well you are the brightest witch of you're year aren't you?" He asks raising a brow. My focus is now turned to black, who is walking away, grinning madly. "Come on, enough talk! Let's just kill him already!" I speak up, standing slightly taller than before. "No you can't!" Black tilts his head. "Oh but why not?" He's lost it, a complete madman, and I was trying to bargain with him. Something tugs the back of my shirt slightly, just managing to grab my attention. "Y/n don't drag yourself into this." It was Harry, I whisper back harshly. "Too late now dumbass." Lupin sighs, turning to Sirius handing him a wand. "Very well then, kill him. But wait one more minute. Harry deserves an explanation."

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