Chapter 26

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"Uhm..." I start, hoping they will maybe give up. This was really my last resort. But they dont, they wait patiently for my answer. "I'm going with Ron." I clear my throat and look towards the ceiling, shifting uncomfortably. "What?!" Harry shouts through the library. Cedric just sighs and squeezes the bridge of his nose. He slowly makes his way towards me, getting close. "Save a dance for me okay?" I nod at his request. He leaves the library, now it was just me and Harry. We stood silently in the aisle of books. Harry hadnt said a word, he looked shocked, as if he was trying to figure out what was going on. "I'm going to go..." I leave the aisle and Harry, grab the books at our table, check them out and head straight for the Gryffindor common room. I had to get there before Harry and tell Ron we were going to the dance together.

Before I'm able to whisper the password the door opens. "Y/n?" Neville opened the door, I let myself in. "Thanks Neville I'll be one minute." I squeeze past him and into the common room. I turn around and continue to walk backwards. "Where can I find Ron?" He points up and I smile, quickly giving Neville a thumbs up and heading to the boys room.

I basically kick the door open, good thing only room was there. He falls off his bed, groaning. "What are you doin' here?" He holds one of his hands up his head and preps himself up with his other arm. "I need to go to the ball with you. Stop moping." He blinks a few times, quickly getting to his feet. "But I didn't ask." I glide up to him and grab both his arms, holding them in front of me. "You didnt have to, are we going or not?" I ask. I was short on time and needed a yes right now, I didn't know when Harry would get here. "Alright I guess." He shrugs stiffly and I drips his arms. Just before leaving the room I shout back at him. "Thanks!!"


The next weekend I took Pansy up on her offer for dress shopping. It wasn't really an offer though, more of a demand. I had saved up enough to buy a nice simple dress, but that is not what Pansy had in mind. Instead if going to a small shop with decent prices she took me to a large one, it was extremely expensive. "Pansy," I start getting her attention away from the sparkling green dress in front of her. "The dresses here are amazing, but I cant afford any of these." She tilts her head sympathetically and puts a hand on my shoulder. "I told you, I'll spot you. I could buy 10 dresses if I please, two for you wont be a big deal." She turns around again, heading off to search through more dresses.

In total, I had only found a few dresses that appealed to me. We tried the dresses on separately. To explain, I watched Pansy try on 23 dresses before I could try on any of mine. Which by the way, I only had 4.

"I think I'll get these three." She holds up three of the dresses which looked best on her. "Don't we only need two?" I ask. "Well you never know. Besides, these three all look equally stunning. I sigh in reply, glancing at the clock. 2 hours had passed, I hadnt even tried on any dress yet. "Alright, you have pained yourself to help me. Your turn." I get up with my pile of four and head into the changing room, she stops me just before I can step inside. "What?" I ask. "I picked some for you too." She gestures to a pile of what looks to be 30 dresses in a cart. "Pansy..." I start to whine. "No whining!" She shoves me into the room, slamming the door behind me and speaking to me through wood. "After your four, I'll pass you one dress at a time." I only groan and start to try things on. This was going to take forever.

An: Short but sweet. The next few updates will be bigger due to the fact it will be the balls. Enjoy!

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