Paper Thin

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"Hey, Brianna!"

I heard someone call from behind me, I turned away from Ian and Carla's retreating figures to look at the third figure behind me.

Logan was walking up behind me. It felt weird because I just saw him and here he comes again. It's like he heard my thoughts because here come his next words.

"I know, I know It's weird. I just said 'bye' to you a few minutes ago. But," He stopped in front of me and paused to catch the little breath he lost on his way here. "But your still a servant and I can't find anyone else . . . I need you to make my bed you slept in."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You're telling me no maids came in during the day and made your bed? And you don't know how to do it yourself?"

He laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck. He turned away and started walking back in the way he came. "You don't get to say no servant."

I rolled my eyes and started following him to his room. To make his bed because poor little Logan can't do it himself.

Ya' know, it's hard to believe just a couple of weeks ago I was terrified to be near him. And here I am teasing him because Mr. Prince of Babylon can't make his own bed. It was very silly really, a young man soon to be put in charge of a country, be trusted with important documents, and he can't even make his own bed. . . . actually, that's not silly, that's terrifying.

He opened the doors to his room and I walked in, taking a moment to look at the bed. I wanted to see if he was lying about the maids not making it. But I don't remember how I left it. So that was pointless. I walked over to one side and started to pull the sheets up then followed them with with the red and gold comforter.

I started to walk over to the other side and took notice of Logan messing around with some papers on his desk. He was quickly putting them into a stack and shoving them into one of the many drawers. I eyed from the corner of my eye. He looked up and I quickly looked back down to the bed and began to work on the bed again. Pulling the blanket up and fluffing the pillows. He walked into a side room to go get something. I found my chance and quickly walked over to the desk.

I glanced at the door before looking back down at the polished acacia wood desk. I went through a few of the drawers they all had papers in them. I went to the third one, my memory telling me that was the drawer. I saw some crinkled papers and quickly tried to read them.

Something, something, something, Babylonian Princess reported missing . . . Kidnapped?. . . . Dead body not found . . . .

I heard footsteps coming back so I quickly scurried back over to the bed. And continued to act like I was fluffing pillows. He walked in his hair was wet and his thin cloth for a shirt was off.

I curled himself under the blankets I just made. "Well Prince charming, if you were going to get in it anyway why did you make me make it right this minute?"

He sighed and closed his eyes. "I just to see if you were an actually decent servant or If Ian only brought you around just because . . . wouldn't be the first time he's done that."

I started at him for a few moments while making my way towards the door. "You know, Logan, it's kind of odd for you to be talking so foully about your friend."

He lifted himself up onto his elbows and looked at me. His red eyes were narrowed, head tilted to the side, a small smirk on his face. "Oh? Since when did you care so much?"

"I-I don't! I'm just wondering . . ."

"Huh, Well what do you know about friends? Servant?" His smirk disappeared and I started to get nervous. Did I say something wrong?

"I-I . . . I guess not-"

"Yea you don't do you? Because most, ahem sorry never mind, ALL servant that work in this place is raised from a farm where everyone is separated. Don't ask me why it's just true." He sat all the way back up glanced over at his desk. "Brianna . . . did you look through my desk? I really like you, you very nice and fun to be around, but . . ."

He looked back over to me. "Don't look through my stuff. . . Thank you! You can leave now, I won't see you for a while tomorrow I'll be heading over to a neighboring country of Egypt."

I nodded and quickly walked out. It was the same thing from the first day he came here. It makes me nervous. Why the hell was he so panic about a news report about a missing princess? If he's trying to keep a story, a story, then it's not that big a deal and he can chill. But it honestly makes no sense.

I started my way back to Ian's room. I thought I could probably tell him about what happened. He might know what he's up to.

As soon as that thought came into my head it left. I shouldn't talk to Ian like a friend. Logan is still right. Ian is probably just using me for the time being other than the earring. If I told him I went through Logan's stuff I might find myself locked up or dead.

I turned the corner and bumped into someone. I wasn't surprised to look up and see Carla staring down at me. She looked pretty upset. Ian probably kicked her out.

She looked away from me and continued her way. I watched her leave before shrugging it off and reached for Ian's door.   

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