
15 1 3

I weakly walked up to the door of my house, I could hear loud talking of 14 people inside. I coughed a few more times and stood up even though it felt like hell to do so. I knocked gently and the talking stopped. I heard soft footsteps approaching the door. I put on the best smile I could muster at the moment, I was hoping to get a big welcome home, all the hugs and laughing and such.

As the door started to open all the gold I had stuffed into my pockets and hung around my neck got lighter. The golden warm light from inside shined brightly on my shadowed form. You know that feeling you get when you finally accomplished a goal you've been working on for years? That is what this felt like. Like heavens gate opening its arms to welcome me. I could see everyone through the open doorway.

The first person to have a reaction was Kalaya when she clapped her hands faster than a roadrunner running. Reyna, Emily, and Leslie gasp, others like Allie and kat squealed while everyone else has there own way of a reaction.

The night was going well, I went in and sat down on one of the remaining chairs. I was smiling as I sat down and when I looked back to everyone else it fell just as fast as it came to be. Everyone already went back to what they were doing before. All having small side conversations. I looked around the room and noticed that Billy and Emily were completely fine now. Both looked extremely healthy. Everyone seemed perfectly fine. Like no one went missing.

Was thinking too far into this? Was the situation with Ian making me think differently? Maybe I'm just judging things too quickly...they might just be playing it off....

"Hey, guys..." I barley wheezed out without coughing. No-one stopped talking. Well expect for Kalaya, but that's because she wasn't talking, to begin with. "Guys!" That one hurt, it felt something exploded in my throat.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at me, I coughed slightly to clear whatever disease that was building in my throat.

"How long was I gone?" This question would surly answer everything that was making anxious. Right?

No one spoke immediately, they all stared at me for a moment before started mumbling to each other discussing how long I was gone. Kat spoke up.

"I'm not sure exactly, but... a week or two?"

I felt my heart speed up and my mouth went dry. Everyone nodded in agreement with Kat. I wasn't sure how I was feeling.

"....Really? Because I'm pretty sure I was gone for a few months, at least more than two months," My voice started to shake and I hated myself for it, my lip began to quiver and it hurt. "Sure as hell, not two weeks.

"Well Brianna, we were busy! Billy and Emily were sick we were trying to-" I cut Allie off

"That has nothing to do with what I asked! You don't need to be superhuman to take care of two people and know-how long your friend was gone!"

"Bri calm do-" Lizzy began to say.

"Don't... just don't. I'm sorry if I sound self-centered, I really am. But I risked my life going into that palace to save our asses while none of yall ever feel the need to find a job or go outside! For all you know I could have never come back! I COULD BE FUCKING DEAD! But no! None of you were worried about that at all!" I coughed loudly and blood sputtered out from between my lips, but I ignored it and continued.

"The only reason you were able to make Billy and Emily feel better again is that I got you that money from RISKING my life to steal that earring from the prince!.... That damn earring...." I felt my eyes began to water. I felt so stupid, I felt so dramatic, but I had a right to be! I've done everything fro them! And what do I get in return? NOTHING.

I quickly walked out of the house, blood dripping from my mouth and uncontrollable coughing. I didn't want to stay I would only cause more drama. And even if I stayed they would convince me I was in the wrong and they were right, then I would end up apologizing.

That's how it always happened. I would get mad at something, they tell me I'm being a bitch and they are the good guys. Then, in the end, I look an idiot and remain with my title as 'the dumb one'.

I felt so useless. I don't know how many times I've been used and spit on fro trying to take care of myself. Life is so cruel.

I made it to the edge of the city to where the Nile was located ad fell to my knees. Blood dripped into the river and I watched it float away. I was still coughing, each cough sounding nastier and nastier. My hands slipped and my head dunked into the river where I inhaled a bunch of water. I quickly raised myself back but and began coughing again. A mix of water, blood, and mucus.

After a while, the coughing stopped and a light-headed feeling came instead. I crawled into the river, granted I can't swim but the sides of the river were shallow enough for me to lay in it without drowning. Clothes and all I just laid there, my head resting on the bank while to rest of my body relaxed with the cool water running over it.

I sighed and let a tear fall from my eye. Everything happened to fast and I wasn't sure if I was okay health-wise. My health just spiraled downwards all my past illness just haunting me like a vengeful spirit.

I closed my eyes just to rest them. That didn't last long when I heard footsteps approach me from behind.


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