Part 1: AHD

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April 9, 2019-Mid-Sun

"Oh, Beckie, you poor thing!"

    "Lizzy, have you never seen a furball? I'm alright!" Beckie meowed. She was constantly annoyed by Lizzy's nagging and worrisome comments. They were standing on Lily's porch, the regular hangout since her humans came home later in the day. Unfortunately, this meant none of the three could keep a secret, and one was bound to find out a secret since they spent pretty much every day together.

    "Gosh, I sure hope Lily's humans don't mind!" Lizzy pointed out, giving some more rather futile worries.

    "Beckie, that's not your fur color," Lily pointed at the furball, the object in question. It was orange, striking in contrast to Becky's cream and black-splotched pelt.

     "Must be sick or something," Beckie shrugged.  Lily eyed at her with suspicion. "Maybe I drank some weird sewer water yesterday when me and my humans went downtown."

"Oh no! You have to get the vet! Just act really sick when your folks come home, I'm sure they wouldn't mind takin' ya!" Lizzy's face was clouded with worry, and the more worried she got, the more her southern accent thickened. Which, was quite a lot she was constantly fretting.

"Lizzy, it's not a big deal at all. I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow." Beckie fidgeted when she said this, and anytime one of the she-cats mentioned the abnormality of the furball, she just looked down and shrugged.

"Beckie, I'm not really sure what's going on here, but we'll have to figure it out later. My humans will be here soon, it's almost sunset." Lily stood up, unfurling her tail from around herself, and started to walk toward her door.

"I know what it is! It's  AHD!" Lizzy shouted, which made Lily stop in her tracks.

"AHD?" both Beckie and Lily questioned together.

"Yeah, it stands for Abnormal Hairball Disease!"

"That can't be a real thing!" Lily was still suspicious of Beckie's "sickness" and didn't believe in what Lizzy said for one second.

"Well, maybe it is. But whether it is or not, it would make a great story." A new voice replied. A petite, though fluffy, speckled she-cat appeared up on the fence.

"Oh, no. Chai, we don't want you up in our business! Get in someone else's!" Beckie hissed, her fur on her back raised.

"Oh come on, Beckie, you discovered a new disease! The whole neighborhood needs to be warned about AHD!" She nonchalantly reached with outstretched paws, back arching. When she finished her stretch, she glared at Beckie with a mischievous grin.

Beckie lunged for her, ready to spring up the fence, but Lily crashed into her and pinned her down.

"You don't want to pick a fight with Chai! Calm yourself, Beckie," she warned.

"After all, you wouldn't want me to publish a catfight, would you? Any scratch could result in a newspaper photo, too." Chai added, talking in her fake, sweet voice. Chai was nice, but she could be manipulative. She would do anything for a good story, as her newspaper business was how she got free mice. She was admired and well known for her looks and the newspapers she wrote for the neighborhood cats, and many stood by her. If the cats liked her stories, they would give her mice in return for her work. Most likely, if she published a fight against her, the neighborhood cats would resent Beckie.

"You'd better leave before I get my claws on you!" Beckie hissed. "You can't just abandon your friends for good gossip stories like that!"

"You of all should understand! We hung out last night, and talked about everything, remember? You should forgive and forget this moment today. Maybe we can talk about it next week? I kind of have a lot of stuff I need to publish and deliver." Chai looked at her with a hint of remorse, but it disappeared in an instant. Chai had trouble separating friends and work and did what she had to do. Her owners kept her on a strict diet, as she was a show-cat and earned her owners money from her good looks and behavior. If she wasn't hanging with her friends, she was writing for her newspaper, and there was a chance it was about them. Beckie was constantly angered by Chai's personality change when she was looking for a story, desperate for mice.

I can't believe her owners starve her so much she's that desperate for food.

"Bessie! Bessie!"  All four cats groaned.

"Who knows what she's calling for, it never comes. I bet she wouldn't recognize it if it did answer her." Lily murmured, still holding Beckie down. Lizzy laughed, and Chai disappeared, nimbly jumping down from the fence.



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