Part 5: The Truth Comes Out

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"I still haven't seen any sign of Lily, sorry Beckie." Sky looked down at her paws, afraid to see Beckie's hurt gaze.

"Yeah, me neither. I tried to stop by her porch but she hissed at me when I stuck my head through the door flap of her house." Lizzy was pacing, which wasn't unusual.

"I didn't know she had so much anger residing in her from the incident." Beckie's tail lashed back and forth, angrily, but her eyes were sad. "It doesn't help either that Chai wrote about it. How did she find out anyway?" Beckie's desperate eyes searched for an answer, but her friends both had blank expressions.

Uncomfortable under the silence, Lizzy meowed, "I guess we'll never know. She has her own ways about getting good gossip for her newspapers. At least she didn't write about the Easter Bunny."

Sky's eyes narrowed, and she fidgeted while she gathered the muster to look Beckie straight in the eyes. "Listen, Beckie, I trust you, but I still believe that was you on the hill in the moor. I can also tell your hiding something. Actually," rearing on her paws to face Lizzy as well, she continued, "You guys are both hiding something."

Sighing, Beckie hid her head under tail, preparing for a nap. Lizzy tilted her head at her, now seeming to question her friend as well.

"She's not going to tell us anything." Sky turned around to leave Beckie's front yard.

"Yeah, with her sleeping so much nowadays, we'll never get anything out of her. It's like she sleeps so she doesn't have to tell us anything!" Lizzy trotted over to Sky, and they walked in the direction to Lily's house.

"Umm, Sky, we aren't going to Lily's house are we? She made it pretty clear she didn't want anyone to show up."

"Maybe she'll help us. You know, maybe she would like to find something to pin on Beckie like killing the Easter Bunny. I don't really want to do that Beckie, but we have no choice now; she just won't tell us the truth." Sky talked really loudly, and Beckie's head snapped up from her so-called-nap.

"Guys, wait up, I-I'll go with you." She scampered off the concrete step and raced through her small yard of freshly cut grass. "So we're going to Lily's then? To talk everything out?"

"Bessie! Bessie where are you going!" A person had stepped out of the door to Beckie's house, staring at her with a worried expression.

"You have a lot of talking to do, Bessie!" Sky snapped at her. Lizzy's face was shrouded in worry, clearly because she disliked any arguments between her friends, especially since the fight Beckie and Lily had. Sky could sense the tension in the air, but her simmering anger from all the lies made her unwilling to relieve it.


"Lily! Lily please come out, we need to talk. All four of us!" Sky howled from outside Lily's house.

"Don't worry, Chai's not here." Beckie said pathetically.

"Lily? Are you there?" Lizzy added, her voice was entangled with sadness and longing. All three of their jaws fell open when they saw a little head pop out.

"Hi! Are you looking for my mommy? She's inside!" then the little head disappeared, leaving the three cats to stare after him in amazement.

"It all makes sense!" Beckie's eyes were wide with awe and horror. "I should go. I...I trespassed on her family! This whole time she was expecting kits while I ran off with her mate!" Beckie's head drooped, and she started to walk away, with her tail trialing on the ground behind her.

"Beckie! You need to stay. Now would be the perfect time to explain to everyone what you're hiding as well as say sorry for your actions." Most of Sky's anger seemed to have gone with the appearance of the kitten and the pity she felt for Beckie.

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