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Emma's POV
I woke up with my phone glued to my face. I was up until 4 texting unknown- or should I say dasher- no that's gross. Texting Unknown. Even though I didn't want to go I had too- and luckily Olivia was picking me up today. I got ready and changed and head outside to see her in her white Jeep with Cole in the back.

 I got ready and changed and head outside to see her in her white Jeep with Cole in the back

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"Good morning," she smiled as I got in, she passed me iced coffee then started driving.

"Thank you," I smile before I go on Instagram to look through my feed. This is what I found:

 This is what I found:

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I'm not a stalker but that's Ethan's shirt, because he wore it all the time, in-fact he wore it the first day of school

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I'm not a stalker but that's Ethan's shirt, because he wore it all the time, in-fact he wore it the first day of school. Gross.
Well, those two are meant for each other.

We arrived at school and we all got in, I gave Liam a hug then received a notification.

Unknown: good morning :)

I smiled at my phone and went to respond but Liam took my phone.

"What the fuck Liam," I say taking it back. He didn't look pleased.

"Your always texting someone smiling on your phone emma," he says in aver very firm and angry voice, causing people to look.

"Why does that matter, do you need to know everything??" I respond.

"Well you never talk to me anymore emma!" He yells.

"Can we do this somewhere else Liam," I say.

"I'm good here," he responds crossing his arms. "Who are you texting?"

"I don't know!" I respond yelling.

"You don't know- then I don't why we're still together if your just going to lie to me!" He says  screaming.

"WELL IF YOU CANT TRUST ME LETS JUST BREAK UP!" I yell, making the whole school go quiet.

Liam's face went white and he stood up straight . "Fine then we're over," he says walking away.

"Good," I scoff as he walks away- but some little part of me felt...sad? I turn away from the lockers to see the whole school staring at me.

"Great performance," Alissa says as she starts clapping, standing right in the middle between Grayson and Ethan. "I'd pay a million dollars to see the look of heartbreak cross your face again, funny, I never though you had a heart," Alissa smiles.

I roll my eyes and is start to feel tears coming, so I walked right out to the football field on the bleachers. I sit in the bleacher for another 5 minutes until I hear someone come from behind and sit next to me.

"Hey are you alright?" I hear a kind, deep, familiar voice. I look up to meet the kind eyes of none other than Grayson, Bailey Dolan.

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