#3 A Bit Flustered UPDATED

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Just a Heads up there is some cussing and some no no words in this chapter.

Since updating this I have watched BNHA due to everybody pointing out a resemblance in a certain scene and.. WARNING UNPOPULAR OPINION bakago is a beech

Please stop commenting 'bakugo' or 'is that a refrence' or anything saying that I have explained before when I wrote this I didnt know that was a thing so please stop, I hate getting spammed with bakugo comments every hour of the night.,

I said it before stop with the bnha comments, if you keep doing it I'm for real gonna mute you like its fucking annoying stop



Russia was surprised at his own words; he blushed a bit at America's reaction and looked away. The countries around them were a bit surprised. Nobody had heard such nice words from Russia, never.America slid his glasses back on mutch to the disappointment of Everybody in the room. Indonesia and Ukraine immediately rushed from their groups to him begging him to show them once more.

"Come on man, show us again!" indo begged him.

"Yeah I want to see it again!" Ukraine whined.

"Hell no, you saw them once and once is enough!" America replied, crossing his arms with a slight attitude.

"Oh come on dont be like that just let us see again, pretty pretty please·" Ukraine continued begging.

America didn't reply; he stayed silent looking at Germany who was still shocked. Germany looked to him giving him a nod showing he understood his new friends gesture.

"Alright everybody go back to your groups, leave him alone he clearly Doesn't want to show you so take a hint." Germany spoke sternly to Indonesia and Ukraine giving them the death stare.

"Ugh fine dude" Indonesia scoffed, turning away and walking back to his group.Ukraine lingers a bit longer than Indo, catching the attention of Germany.

"Hey did you just hear me? Go away." He repeats to her.

"Hey America, your eyes are beautiful and fits you perfectly." Ukraine compliments America before going back to her group. America blushed, he had never been noticed yet complimented by a girl before. Germany noticed but brushed it off he wasn't about to get into somebody else's love life.

"Ok lets continue where we left off." Germany spoke to his new friends.

"Yup" America and Russia replied at the same time.

Before class ended, America and Germany swapped numbers for the project. Sadly he wasn't quick enough to get Russia's before he had left the room since he didn't want to be late.

-Time skip cause I'm lazy as heck-

America walked down the crowded hallway on his way to the last class of the day forgetting about most of what happened at the beginning of the day. He hummed a little tune to himself almost to his class when he was suddenly pushed face first against the lockers behind him. America spun around cursing the unknown person behind this attack.

"Dude what the fuck is your problem??"

He turned around and his face instantly dropped when met face to face with China.

" What do you want?" America demanded an answer as he harshly tried to get free from his attacker's grip. China ignored this demand, throwing insults and harsh words about America and how much he hated him.

"Look the little sissy finally finessed everybody with some baby blue eyes, making them think there is finally something good about you that is disappointing. Only one thing good with somebody is as good as nothing, like a one trick pony who can't even do the trick so go take a swan dive off the roof when you hit the ground it will be the greatest moment of your sad little life. It will be a big favor to us all and we would love to watch you take the plunge" China spit in his face, glaring at him the whole time his friends laughing their asses off behind him.

In China's words, America is like a knife to the heart. He felt like he was about to cry, he wanted to cry because america felt those words were true he wasn't talented at all he could barely pass his classes, china was right. He pushed the larger country away from him running down the now almost empty hallway to the bathroom. China and his friends laughed and called insults to him calling him a pussy and a wuss for not facing them like a real man.

"Only babies cry america get your shit together and grow up bitchboy" they called out to him.

America pushed open the bathroom door making sure nobody was in there then pushed himself into a stall. America sat in the corner of the stall and started to cry.

"Maybe he was right, I'm just a fucking sissy with baby eyes and no talents i cant even face him head on i always just run away."

" Maybe I just need to start over, maybe in my next life I will be interested in actual talent."

Toxic thoughts filled his mind. He stayed like this till the bell rang to release all students out for the day. America wiped away his tears pulling his shades back down and walking out like everything was fine like nothing happened like he didn't want to be dead right then and there. He put on his usually smile and walked down the halls giving high fives and goodbyes. Ukraine caught up to America in the hallway.

"Hey America!" She yelled to him rushing over to meet him. She handed him her phone number before running to meet up with some friends. He looked down at the note and said, 'Text me later I'd love to hang Out and maybe get to know you more :3' He shoved the note in his pocket and continued walking till he received a message from his brother Canada.


Canada- 'Hey America I'm staying after school with Aussie so he can finish his project with me, go have some fun with friends but be home by 8.'

America- 'Alright, text me when you're home.'

Canada-' ok '

America put his phone back in his pocket and walked out the school and towards the gas station to pick up a drink


Sorry for such a short chapter today I have had trouble writing and focusing. I also have a lot of other work to do so I'm very sorry I promise more will come soon

Till next time

German Person~

word count 1022

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