Rule #7

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Put Yourself First
Los Angeles, CA
Christopher Maurice Brown:

"The NFL does not condone abuse of any kind. We stand behind our players when they are doing right, we want role models, great role models might I add. We don't condone the abuse of alcohol, and we don't condone drug use at all. I apologize to women everywhere for the actions of Aaron Rogers, I apologize for bringing someone like him into the NFL. These kind of men become stars and think that they're untouchable, the NFL makes them think that they're untouchable but I want you to know that they can be touched and just like me, just like you, just like anybody we are all human and no one has more power than the other. If you've been sexually assaulted I encourage you to step up, I encourage you to speak out men like this don't belong out on the streets if they've stroke once they'll strike again. Aaron was an outstanding football player, but no amount of talent is worth the dignity of any woman out there. The NFL has terminated the contract with Aaron Rogers and he is indefinitely terminated from ever playing in the National Football League-" I was cut off by the crowd cheering loudly, I smiled and let them continue to cheer. "I have personally wrote a check to the Special Victims Unit of each precinct all across America to enhance it's technology, and up their man power to bring down rapist and sexual abusers everywhere." I spoke into the microphone earning another out burst of cheer.

"We love you Chris!" I heard multiple women shout.

"I love you too." I say chuckling. "I appreciate you all for your support and now it's my turn to return my support. Thank you." I say waving before Beyonce waved for security, they instantly surrounded Beyonce and I as we were led down the steps. "Great speech." I say to her.

"Mhm, my job to make sure you look good. Aaron was arrested he confessed and he is taking a plea deal." She explained as we were loaded into the limo.

"You are amazing." I say to her once the door was closed, the limo pulled off.

"Thank you, now you have a conference to attend-"

"What about the 2019 draft list?" I asked interrupting her.

"Don't cut me off Christopher. You have a conference tonight, I have arranged for your date to be actress, model and singer Ryan Destiny-"

"What? Who?" I asked unaware of who this woman was.

"Ryan Destiny, a gorgeous dark skin woman. Many women and other news sources think you're a colorist, they think you don't find darker toned women attractive so we have to change tha-"

"I don't have anything against darker toned w-"

"Okay I don't care about what you don't have, I care about your image so therefore we have to clean that rumor up and we have to clean it up now. Therefore you will make appearances with her, you will uplift our culture and you will show appreciation for it as well-"

"Man I ain't even do nothing, I ain't-"

"Chris you got one more time. I don't care, perception is everything and you like to make shit worse my job is to make sure you don't, so again you will do as I say or you can lose fans your choice."

"Fine." I grumbled

"2019 draft list will be on your desk first thing in the morning, you have a meeting with Jabari Parker he's requesting a trade denied by both his coach and GM he wants to go over their heads and talk to you-"

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