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"Yo, Daniel! We're going t- oh." Zach said, walking into Daniel's room.

At the sound of Zach's voice, Isa immediately pushed Daniel off of her, making him fall to the floor.

Daniel groaned from the floor. "Zach, the door was closed for a reason, haven't you heard of knocking?"

"Sorry. I didn't know you two were making out." Zach shrugged. Isa threw a pillow at Zach. "Why'd you interrupt?" Isa asked.

"I was going to ask Daniel if he wanted to come to the pool with us, but he's obviously busy." Zach said.

"Not anymore." Daniel mumbled. "Yeah, we'll come. Let us change first." Isa said.

Zach nodded and left. Isa went over to her suitcase, as she was staying the weekend with Daniel, and pulled out her red swimsuit.

"Do we have to go?" Daniel asked, snaking his arms around Isa's waist. "Yes, it'll be fun." Isa told him. "I was having much more fun before Zach walked in." Daniel huffed.

"Who's fault is that?" Isa asked, walking over to his mirror. "His, he should've knocked." Daniel groaned. "You should've locked the door." Isa argued.

"But you were the one pressed against the door," Daniel smirked. "you could've locked it also."

"But we didn't," Isa smiled, walking into the bathroom. "now leave me alone so I can change."

Once the bathroom door closed, Daniel changed into his swim trunks, since he was already shirtless.

When he finished, he laid on the bed, bored out of his mind, only thinking about what was taking Isa so long.

When she finally opened the door, Daniel pressed her against the wall. "You took forever." He groaned. "It was only five minutes." She giggled.

"Without you, everything feels like forever." Daniel said before connecting their lips. He moved his hands to her waist while hers hooked loosely around his neck.

"Oh god." A voice said. Daniel and Isa looked on the direction of the door to see Corbyn.

"Zach sent me up here to find out what was taking so long. The door was open, this was your fault." Corbyn explained.

"Go away." Daniel groaned, grabbing a pillow off the bed and throwing it at him. "If you hadn't noticed, we were supposed to be going to the pool. But you two can stay here and make out, that's cool too."

"No, we're coming." Isa said, grabbing her phone and towel. Daniel tolled his eyes and followed behind them.

"Finally. What took so long?" Jonah asked. "They were making out." Corbyn shrugged. "Told you." Zach said.

"Shut up, you act like Jack and Gabbie aren't doing the same thing in the kitchen." Jonah said.

"What?!" Zach exclaimed. "Jack! Bro! I eat in here!"

"And I sit on the couch, where you and Kay have made out many times, you don't hear me complaining."

"Can we go now?" Isa giggled. "Yeah," Jonah said.

The five boys, and two girls, went down to the pool. It was a sunny day, and very hot in L.A. making it perfect to get into the pool.

As soon as Zach laid eyes on the pool, he ran at full speed and jumped in, making a huge splash. "Zach!" Gabbie and Isa giggled, feeling the cool water touch their heated bodies.

Soon all the boys jumped into the pool, occasionally getting out and doing flips. Gabbie and Isa sat in the hot tub, being normal girls by talking.

"Wait, so where's Lav?" Isa asked. "She's with Rachie and Sam. They wanted Aunt and Uncle bonding time with her." Gabbie explained.

"Awe, that's cute."

"Guess who." Two voices said. One being Jack's and the other's Daniel's. They had snuck around the girls and covered their eyes.

"Daniel." "Jack." Isa and Gabbie said at once. "How'd you know?" Daniel asked, removing his hands from Isa's eyes and climbed into the hot tub.

"I saw Jack and he was looking at you." Isa explained. "Also who else would it be?" Gabbie asked. "Fair point." Jack shrugged, climbing into the hot tub as well.

Isa watched as the couple flirted in front of them. "They're cute, why can't we be like that?" Isa asked, looking up at Daniel.

Daniel lifted Isa and moved her to his lap. "Well, they have a child together, wouldn't you expect them to be like this?"

"They're cute, why can't we be like that?" Isa pouted. "If you're saying you want a child then no, not yet. But I wouldn't mind going through the process, with protection of course." Daniel smirked.

"Woah, if you two plan on getting freaky, do it when we're not home." Jack said. "Don't worry, we won't be anytime soon. It's too early." Isa said. "Yeah, it's only been 11 weeks." Daniel sighed.

"You're cute when you're frustrated." Isa giggled, running her fingers through Daniel's wet hair. "You're cute when you breathe. You're actually really hot." Daniel said, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.

"Oh, really?" Isa smirked. "Yeah." Daniel replied, moving his kisses to her neck. "Stop it, I wanna go get in the pool now." Isa said.

"But I wanna stay here." Daniel pouted. "So you can manipulate me? No, thank you." Isa said, moving off Daniel's lap and going into the pool.

She dipped her foot in and instantly realised it was too cold. Zach was slowly creeping behind her to push her in, but Daniel was behind Zach.

When Zach went to push Isa, Daniel grabbed her hand and moved her out the way, resulting in Zach falling in.

Zach had also just recently got out of the hot tub, so the water was just as cold for him as it was for Isa. "Holy hell that's cold!" Zach said as he resurfaced.

"Zach, hell can't be holy." Corbyn pointed out. "No one asked you." Zach said. "Just saying." Corbyn shrugged.

As Zach was getting out of the pool, Isa lifted his hand making him fall back in. "Okay, no one likes an evil power couple." Zach groaned. "We're not evil, just wickedly fun." Isa smiled.

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