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"Stop, being so annoying." Isa giggled, attempting to wiggle loose from Daniel's grip. They were currently in the kitchen baking cookies for the younger ones to eat.

Daniel had his arms wrapped around Isa's waist and his chin on her shoulder, keeping her in place. "You didn't seem to think I was annoying when you were scream-"

"Stop. There are children here. And that was different, you're stopping me from being productive right now and I can only be productive when I'm active." Isa said.

"We could be a lot more active upstairs." Daniel smirked. "Can you stop being dirty and help me?" Isa laughed. "No, I just want to watch." Daniel said.

"No, you want to annoy me. Help me." Isa demanded. "You can't make me." Daniel chuckled, letting go of her. "Wanna bet?" Isa smirked.

Daniel could tell by the mischievous sparkle in her eye that if he tested her, he'd regret it. "No, ma'am."

"That's what I thought. Now help me. Oh my, I sound like a mom. Look what you've done!"

"You're going to be one eventually." Daniel said. "You sound too sure of yourself, Seavey. How do you know?"

"Do you want kids?" Daniel asked. "Yes." Isa replied. "Who do you plan on having kids with?" He asked. "Most likely, you." She answered.

"And I have no problem making it happen. Therefore, one day, you'll be a mommy." Daniel said, putting his hands on Isa's waist.

"And you'll be a daddy." Isa smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I could be your daddy." Daniel smirked.

"Nope, we're making cookies," Isa said whilst moving away from Daniel. "go bring me a large bowl."

Daniel did as she said and brought Isa a large clear bowl. "First, add in 3/4 cups of brown and regular sugar." Isa said.

Daniel added brown sugar while Isa added regular. "Next is, 1 cup of softened butter, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, and 1 egg." Daniel nodded and added it into the bowl.

"Half a teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking soda..." Isa said while adding it in.

"And flour." Daniel said. "Yes, fl- Daniel... what are you doing?" Isa asked.

Daniel had the bag of flour in one hand and a cup of it in the other. "You said we needed flour, you just never said where." Daniel said, slowing walking towards her.

With each step he took forwards, she took one backwards. "Daniel, I swear if you put flour anywhere besides that bowl, you will regret it."

"I'll take my chances."
"Cookies!" Reese shouted, running into the kitchen. The delightful smell of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies had spread all throughout the house.

"Careful, they're hot." Isa warned, lowering the tray of cookies to Reese's level.

"Oh my god, they're so good." Reese said, taking a bite of one and practically melting.

Samuel, Lainey, Isla, Ryan, Rachel, and Gabbie came from the living room and grabbed a cookie as well.

A chorus of pleasured moans and 'these are so good' echoed throughout the kitchen. "You have to teach me to make these." Gabbie said, taking another bite.

"Daniel, come try these!"

"He doesn't like chocolate."

"His loss."

"Wait, what's wrong with Daniel? He looks miserable." Lainey asked. "I am." Daniel said. "Why? What happened?" Reese asked. "Daniel isn't allowed to communicate with me until midnight." Isa explained.

"Why?" Isla asked. "He got flour in my hair after I washed and curled it. So I had to redo it." Isa explained.

"Oh yeah, you deserve this." Gabbie shrugged. "Look on the bright side, it's almost 10." Samuel encouraged.

"That's a whole two hours." Daniel groaned. "Well, we could watch a movie." Rachel suggested.
Around about 11:30, the movie was over and everyone went home about a few minutes before midnight.

"53 seconds." Daniel counted. He had set a timer for when he could talk to Isa. Isa silently laughed to herself and turn all the lights out before walking upstairs.

Isa had set a mental countdown about 30 seconds before Daniel's time was up. "3, 2, 1!" Isa heard Daniel shout.

Before she knew it, she was swept off her feet and pinned down to the bed by her waist, and with a smiling Daniel above her.

"Hey." He smiled. "Hey," Isa laughed. "how was your punishment?" She asked. "It was horrible and it drove me insane. I'm never disobeying you again." Daniel said.

"Okay, then let's sleep." Isa tested. "But, I want to cuddle you. I want to hold you close to me and whisper sweet nothings in your ear until you fall asleep."

"Wow, you're actually the perfect boyfriend. How did I get so lucky?"

Daniel shrugged and let go of Isa as they both climbed into bed. "Take off your hoodie." Isa instructed.

"But, I'll be cold." Daniel pouted. "I'm cold too but you're hot enough for the both of us." Isa smirked.

"Woah, smooth much?" Daniel said, whilst taking off his hoodie. Isa giggled and wrapped her arms around his waist, snuggling into him.

And as Isa drifted off to sleep, Daniel held her close and whispered sweet nothings into her ear just like he wanted.

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