Into the Night

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The day before departure, Levi went down to the colonists to say, "goodbye". Alex wanted to tag along and Levi gladly took her in tow. Drastically different from their last departure from Earth, those people had become wild. Exposing the animal under the thin veneer of civilization had been a disappointing reminder that humans had a long way to go to become citizens of the universe. But today is going to be a bittersweet goodbye. Sad Atlantis and her convoy had to sail for farther shores, but happy the human race would go on here as guests, and eventually, partners with the Te'Hat.

After they landed, Levi knew who he wanted to see first. He found her in the garden where this all started before. "Hello, Anna."

Anna Houser a little surprised. "Oh, hello, Captain," "I didn't expect to see you or anyone from Atlantis again."

"I wanted to stop by and thank you personally for everything you did for us here on Searth. What you did, and more importantly, how you did it set the stage for many positive outcomes with the relationship between the humans and the Te'Hat. I know that I have thanked you before, but I wanted to show my gratitude as well. A little something that generations of your children can look to for remembrance." Levi turned to Alex who accompanied him, and she gave the captain a small box. Levi took the box and handed it to her. Anna opened it and saw a plaque made of glass with a gold medallion embedded in it. The medallion looked to have a picture of a human and a Te'Hat on it. The inscription in the glass read: This plaque is to commemorate Anna Houser for her courage and vision in establishing friendly relations with the Te'Hat and paving the way for humans to live here on Searth.

Anna became dumbfounded. "I don't know what to say."

Captain Metcalfe smiled. "Just say that you will continue to be a voice of reason for the human population."

"I will, Captain. May I follow you back to the dome? I assume that is where you are going."

"Yes, I am making a farewell speech at dome two in about a half an hour."

"Well, we better get going then." Anna smiled and dusted herself off.

The farewell speech had been a standard issue farewell. Levi wanted it to be special but could only come up with the usual things you say when saying, "goodbye". He wished the new immigrants to this planet good luck and praised them for their courage and determination. And expressed how sad the Atlantis people were in leaving them behind and not together on the new home that they sought.

Afterward, he shook a lot of hands and had many small conversations with individuals. A few hours later, he returned to the shuttle and headed for the Atlantis. Alex put her hand on top of Levi's and smiled. "They're going to be alright Levi. They're a good bunch."

"I know." He said. "It's like a parent having to let their children go so they can grow up. You know they will be okay, but inside, you still worry about them."

"I think it's normal for you to feel that way. It means you're still human." Alex smiled again and gave him a little peck on the cheek.

The next day Atlantis and her companions left orbit and said goodbye to Searth. They had only been underway for a few minutes, and Sonny directed them to look aft towards Searth. There, the blue and tan planet behind them began to emit pulses of light. "Wow!" Levi exclaimed looking at the bridge view screen with the rest of the crew. "They're using the Guardians to give us a sendoff!" Indeed, the planet pulsed the laser lights in some coded pattern.

Sonny translated. "The colonists and Alice wish you a safe journey and find a new home. The Te'Hat wishes you good fortune and happy hunting."

Levi was astonished. "How about that! Clever work on Alice's part. Helm, continue on course and make best possible speed to the probe."

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