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Fell Geno POV

I hugged fell palette he was shocked and I looked up at him and gave him a death looked and I told him if you ever hurt her I'll hunt you down. He just nodded his head and I let go off him after that I waved goodbye and me and death left to clan up the house.

As I looked around the shops I almost forgot how it looked like and what it used to be like until this happen.

As I stop reaper looked at me and he smiled as he took my hand and we went into some shops this was all new to me I never got to do this and here I am shopping with my lover.

Fell reaper POV

As I looked at Geno she was looking at the shops and I smiled so I took her hand and walked to some shops and we did some shopping she was not use to this I stoped her from going to shops but since she looked at the shops I just gave up and let this night be special for her.

While sitting down and waiting for her to changed into a dress I was thinking how cute she be in the dress Geno walked out and my mouth dropped on the ground.

Geno I said as I blushed a dark blue on my face. She giggled and smiles I told Geno to turn around and she did but when she looked at the price she said it's to expensive and she took it off and put any other one on.

Fell Geno POV

I noticed that reaper love that dress on me but it was to expensive to buy so I took it off and went back in and took a new dress as I opened up the door I seen reaper blush as I giggled as he kissed me deeply I kissed back and said you like this one.

He nodded and I said I'll get it just to have fun as I went to the lady to pay it she smiled at me then she seen death she winked at him I got a little mad and said stay away from my husband and she looked shocked so she hurried it up and gave me the dress as I walked hand in hand with reaper.

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