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Akashi, Amber, the physician and I all whirled around at the same time. I let out a small gasp, my eyes widening when I saw who the speaker had been. Akashi and Amber immediately dropped to a low bow in respect, but I could only stand there - my legs barely moving.

He has changed so much ever since he'd been courting me that evening. I knew he'd always had a taste for messy hairstyles for his dark blue hair, but I've never seen him in the messiest braid. He had dark circles forming underneath his eyes, and he was wearing a vintage-patterned vest over a flannel whose sleeves had been loosened up.

"Dietfried ..." my voice trailed off.

His lime-coloured eyes narrowed upon hearing my voice. "The Marchioness is up to no good, it seems that her husband's sick condition still hasn't stopped her from doing her dirty deed," He explained, and glared at Gilbert on the bed, "my brother is too sentimental. He should have killed her when he's got the chance."

"The poison my brother has been administered with is moonlight poison - extracted carefully from their flowers and carved and manufactured smartly into intoxicating poison that will render the victim unconscious for a few hours, perhaps a day, before waking up again normally," He continued, "however, if the flower itself was not destroyed, the victim will be weak again week after week."

"The flower ... how many are there?" I finally asked.

His brows furrowed deeper. "That's the most difficult part there is. The Rhododendron residence has only one official moonlight flower, but besides extracting their venom, they've also been extracting their seeds to plant and grow in their gardens. The more they grow, the more danger the people are in. I've only ever seen the flower once, and it's behind a heavily-guarded door. It will be difficult to get in and out without triggering their alarms."

"But you cannot leave unless you have the permission of the Head of the Household," Amber interrupted, and let out a heavy sigh. I caught Akashi rolling his eyes in annoyance.

Dietfried put his hand on his forehead, letting out a sharp breath. "Did he make that rule when my brother and Akashi were out searching for the cure?" He queried, and Amber nodded, "I will have that son of a -"

Before he could say anything else, the household doctor interrupted him by holding his hand up, and peacefully announcing, "After multiple and thorough checkups, I have come to a conclusion that your brother is doing well, only unconscious. He will wake again in several hours."

Furious to be interrupted, Dietfried stormed out of the room, leaving Amber, Akashi and I bewildered.

"Akashi and I will stay behind to see to Gilbert. I think it's best if you go after him, V," Amber's eyes sparkled with worry. I almost caught the both of them exchanging glances, but I decided not to give it another thought.

Dietfried Bougainvillea's POV

I let out a yell of annoyance. Not only did the Marchioness poisoned Violet, her slyness and my brother's clumsiness caused Gilbert to suffer under the deathly moonlight poison.

My fists clenched angrily at my sides as I made my way to the training rooms. I needed to let off some steam before I could actually travel to the Rhododendron residence. Violet would be coming with me, and I did not have any intentions to hurt her along the way.

"Dietfried?" A timid voice spoke up.

I recognised the voice immediately. My tight fingers relaxed and I turned around. Standing dressed in the thinnest white nightgown made of silk, was Violet herself. Her hair was put up in a loose bun, but not too loose to cover her curious pair of blue eyes.

I tried not to pay too much attention to the fact that the material of the nightgown had been very thin and see-through, and the way that it had clung to her every inch of curve.

"I was just making my way to the training rooms," I told her, interrupting my own thoughts, "you can come if you want."

She followed without another word, nor hesitation, and I sighed, still following orders as usual.

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