Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

They shifted back, completely naked, and he brought her into his arms. "I love you," he murmured into her ear, and a smile lit up her-


Anna winced, hopping on her good foot. She'd stubbed her big toe again. This time it was on the steps of her front porch, while she was heading into her house after coming back from the grocery store. That's why she hated toes-they had the potential to hurt you when you least expect it.

Sooner or later, Anna thought, this habit of reading while walking is going to get me seriously injured.

She only had herself to blame though, as she was not watching her way. No, it was the books' fault! Why did they have to be so addictive, especially ones about werewolves? Yet again, Anna was hooked onto another werewolf story and had downloaded it onto her phone for the sake of convenient reading.

As you might have guessed, Anna loved reading, especially stories about werewolfs. To her, they were absolutely magical and amazing. She could even imagine herself as one of them as they flew through the woods, feet pounding against the soft earth. In her early teens, she was obsessed with werewolf stories, and even fantasized about having a hot werewolf mate. Now, even at 18, Anna still enjoyed reading the fictional books, but she had long since stopped with her entirely unrealistic daydreams after being mocked by those she had shared her fantasies with.

That being said, Anna was never one to get along with others very well. Her best friend would be her pet hamster that had died a few years back. She was devastated. Sure, she had several friends from school, but they rarely invited her to parties, and almost never asked to hang out with her. Not that she would have accepted anyway, though it would be nice to feel wanted.

Fumbling with her keys, Anna finally got the correct one into the lock and twisted. Her front door clicked open and she stepped into the house. Anna lived in a two storey house at the edge of the woods. It was upon her mother's request that they bought this house, and that was where Anna had lived her whole life.

Unfortunately, said mother had died when Anna was 3, and Anna and her father continued staying in that house in honor of her memory. She had mysteriously vanished. Everyone thought she had run away, until one day, her body was found. Anyone who had seen them together would definitely have agreed that Anna's parents were soul mates, life partners. That's how close they were. So, when Anna's father saw his wife's limp body hanging from a tree in the woods, it was as though half of his soul had died. Not a note was found on her body, nor a chair or ledge where she could have stood to hang herself, eliminating all possibilities of suicide.

Nevertheless, despite his grief, he still managed to carry on with life, though he quit his office job and joined the police force in order to dedicate his life to investigating murders and suspicious deaths. Though he thought that his colleagues were quite incompetent not to have solved this murder case yet. Secretly, Anna's father also wanted to continue investigating his beloved wife's death.

Up till' now, Anna thought, Mum's death remains a mystery. She did dearly miss her mother, but she had been too young to truly remember her, so she was less affected by her mother's death than her father was.

It was winter, Anna's favorite season. Her school was closed at the moment as there has been signs of an impending snow storm. Anna shook the snow off her boots onto the doormat inside her house. "Dad, I'm home!" She called. There was no reply. Anna sighed. Ever since her mother's death, her father had been out most of the time, burying himself in his job and focusing on investigating this death when he had time. Anna, on the other hand, had long given up all hope of uncovering the truth. After all, it had happened so long ago, if there were any hidden clues, shouldn't they have shown up by now?

She did slightly resent her father for neglecting her, but she could not blame him. At least he had bothered to hire a nanny to look after her on the occasions that he was away. It was only until her sixteenth birthday that Anna managed to convince her father that the nanny services were no longer required.

After Anna put away the groceries, she grabbed her phone, curled up in her favorite seat by the fireplace, where it was warm and cosy, and continued reading until nightfall.


A/N: Hey guys! This is my second story on Wattpad! Please vote and comment! Your feedback would be much appreciated :)

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