chapter seventeen

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As me, lefty, orville, happy frog,  neddbear, rockstar foxy and Molten freddy went back to the pizzeria.  I told everyone to stay away from the pizzeria. "Chirs be careful. " lefty said.  "Trust me I know. " I said as my eyes flashed purple.  I broke the glass. As I picked up my secretary key card.  I swiped in. I saw my father, in his human form.  "Hello afton ready to die~" I said chuckling darkly as I brought my daggers out.  I don't know,  Bryan. " My dad said bring out his knife.  "You tell me~" my dad said.  We than clashed.  Sparks where flying off from our wepons.  He than push me down. Which caused him to see the scar on my head.  "What,  no you can't be him, you can't be my son!" Spring trap yelled.  Before spring trap could do anything.  Rockstar freddy stopped.  "About damn time you helped." I yelled.  "Sorry Chris. " Rockstar freddy said. "No you can't be my youngest son. " spring trap said with tears in his eyes.  "Look, I can explain everything to you,  if you just come with me. " I said hoping my dad would come with me.  I than got in the shoulder.  "Ahhh!" I yelled. "Chirs!" Both rockstar freddy and my dad said.  We both turned around and saw jon with a gun.

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