chapter 18

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After I brought the girls to daycare, I went to work to retrieve some files that was needed for the reconstruction of Conner's company. I'm glad that he signed the contract. I payed good amout for that company. I pulled up in my personal parking lot then looked in the mirror to see if my hair was messy. I straightened out my suit and got out of the car. I put on my glasses then walked into the building. As I made my way over to my elevator people greeted me with a good morning and I respond to them with a nod. When I got to the elevator someone called my name I slowly turned around and saw Mrs Davis running towards me.

"Mr Esposito" she said then paused while trying to catch her breath, I cocked one eyebrow up at her and she took a beep breath then straightened up.

"Um sir your father told me to inform you that he is already taking care of the expenses of the new company and that you should make sure that you come visit him on the holidays" she said and I nodded.

"Ok tell him thanks and no promises" I said then chuckled. Miss Davis was still staring at me as if she wanted to rip my clothes off. I smirked then snapped my finger "Miss Davis I believe your drooling" I said and her eyes widen, she placed her hand over her mouth then took a step back.

"Sorry sir" she whispered and I nodded.

"Back to work miss Davis I have work to do. I will give Ryan the files on Conner's company and he will give them to you. Just make sure that my dad receive them" I ordered and she nodded then walked off. I pressed the button to open the elevator then got in. I pressed the top button that brings me all the way to the top.

I walked into my office then looked around. I walked over to my desk and immediately began looking for the files. "Ah, yes" I said when I found it I opened the file and look over the construction of the building. I smiled then stood up and left the office.

"Good morning Mr Esposito" Sophia said as I walked up to her desk. I nodded and she smiled."So how are the girls?" She asked.

"They are fine I just drop them off at the daycare" I said and she smiled.

"Aww I miss them so much" she said with a pout and I chuckled.

"Yeah, where is Ryan I wanted to hand him these files?" I asked.

"He's in the break room stuffing his face" she said with a glare and I stared at her in awe and she blushed.

"It's not funny watch when he gets up here an he better bring me that donut, I'm craving it so much" she cursed and I chuckled. Sophia is Ryan's wife and she's pregnant so he better bring her that donut. I walked into the elevator and pressed the number 4 for the break room.

"Ryan stop stuffing your face and get some work done, you have this file to give to miss Davis and your wife wants that donut" I said and he turned to look at me with puppy eyes.

"Sorry Lorenzo but Sophia has been eating everything in the house even the ones that I like and she hates" he said and I shook my head then laughed.

"It's the pregnancy Ryan you just got to get your own food and hide them from her that's my best solution" I laughed.

"Damn she eats a lot and yet still she's in good shape" he said while take a bite of his sandwich.

"Ok you can eat just make sure that miss Davis gets these files and also make sure that you get your wife that donut or else you'll be sleeping in the couch" I said then chuckled and he nodded and smiled.

"Thanks man that's why your my bestfriend" he said and I nodded and patted him on the shoulder.

"I'm leaving tell Sophia bye" I said then put on my glasses and left.

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