chapter 44

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Mia screamed and my heart started throbbing in my chest. I ran into the living room and I couldn't believe what I saw. Tears filled my eyes and my heart broke.

"Daddy!" She cried.

Emma had a gun pointed to my little girls head, she had this evil look her eyes a look that says I'll do it. I began taking small steps forward and she pointed the gun at me.

"Don't you dare take one more step or I'll blow her fucking brains out Lorenzo" she cursed and my heart sank.

"Please don't Emma, how could you do this to your own daughter?" I asked and she chuckled.

"This brat I don't care about her if you had done what said this wouldn't have happened. Let's go see doctor Henry but no you wanted me to go see your stupid family doctor!"

"Daddy" Mia called while holding out her hand.

"Shut the fuck up kid, I knew I wasn't pregnant so I paid doctor Henry to tell you that I was and do a fake DNA result so that you could give me money and I could've run away again but I guess that didn't work" she said and I was so angry I want to kill her but how could I, I can't even do something to protect myself how could save my daughter.

"Daddy daddy" she cried and I placed my finger on my lips.

"Shhh baby it's okay princess daddy's here" I whispered and she nodded and wiped her tears. "I'll give you anything just please don't hurt my daughter" I begged and she looked up as if she was considering something. I wish I had my gun right now. No one was here today expect for me and the girls everyone went christmas shopping. I heard footsteps coming and I knew it was Mariya.

"Dada" I heard Amelia called I wanted to turn around but I couldn't take my eyes off Mia. "Oh my god what's going on?" Mariya asked then placed Amelia down. The tension was real. I glanced over at Mariya, her eyes were filled with tears and she didn't take her eyes off Mia. It's all my fault.

"Don't move bitch or I'll shoot her!" Emma shouted and Mariya eyes widen. "I want 50 million dollars" she said and I nodded.
I'll do anything to get my daughter from her.

"Emma that's a lot of money I would have to call my secretary and ask him to arrange the money" I said.

"Emma please don't do th-" Mariya was about to say when she pointed the gun at her. Mia bit Emma on her arm and ran away from Emma's hold.

"Mia No!" I shouted as she ran into the bathroom.
I'm glad she got away but Emma could have shot her, I think I'll have heart attack if I lose my baby.

"Fucking brat bit me that's why I should be shot her, okay no one move. Mariya this is all your fault if you weren't here this wouldn't have happened and if I can't get Lorenzo then no one can" she said then pointed the gun towards her heart.

"Emma are you fucking crazy she's pregnant!" I shouted, maybe I should just attack her.

"I don't care Lorenzo, does it looks like I give a shit" she was about press the trigger and I had no choice but to stop even if it cost my life.

I heard a gun fired and my heart sunk, Emma fell to the ground and my eyes widen I felt something wet running down my chest. Mariya grabbed the gun from Emma and I turned around to see who had shot Emma. Mia stood there with the gun held high and her eyes squeezed shut. I placed my hand on my chest and ran over to her.
No no Mia, she shouldn't have used the gun, how did she even find it? We made sure to put away all these thing so they don't get into the hands of the babies.

"Fuck the kid shot Me!" Emma screamed in pain.

It's okay princess it's daddy" I whispered then took the gun from her and hugged her.

"Daddy, daddy you got a boo boo" Mia cried then pointed at my chest I looked down and I saw blood. I got shot.

"Oh my god" Mariya screamed then stoop down. "Fernandez!" She shouted then placed her hand to my chest to stop the blood. My head was feeling a little dizzy and vision became blurry.

"It's okay daddy I'll fix your boo boo just like you did mine don't close your eyes please" Mia cried.

"I'm here" was the last I heard before I fell into darkness.


I was terrified and scared when I saw Emma with a gun pointed to my daughters head. My heart almost failed me then she pointed it me. She so damn cruel for doing this. I'm glad that she got shot even though she didn't die.

"Mommy is daddy going to be okay?" Mia asked while looking up at me. I smiled then nodded I didn't know for sure but I hope he is. Lorenzo got shot when Emma got shot, her hand presses the trigger. In his chest he didn't really feel it until he walked over to a frightened Mia. Emma is locked up in the basement for awhile until the others get back. She got shot in the arm and it was taken care of.

"Mia how did you know that the gun was inside the bathroom?" I asked.

"I saw grandpa put it in the cabinet then place the key on top of it. I couldn't reach it so I climbed on top of the toliet then stand on the sink it was easy" she said, well that guns got to move I don't want anyone hurting themselves. I sighed the stared up at the ceiling.

"Daddy!" Mia screamed and I snapped out of what I was thinking. Lorenzo walked in without his shirt on a gauze pad on his right chest where he got the shot. My eyes were teary at this moment I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around her waist. He kissed the top of my head and I laid my head on his chest.

"Daddy your okay, you got your booboo fixed" Mia smiled then hugged his foot.

"I'm sorry this all my fault. Mia you did such a brave thing I'm not happy that you used the gun but you did help us" Lorenzo whispered and Mia looked up.

"I'm sorry daddy, I was so scared that the crazy woman would hurt mommy and baby brother" she said then placed her hand on my bump. She's so sweet and adorable.

"Mia how do you know it's a boy what if it's a girl?" I asked and she smiled.

"I want it to be a boy, please let it be a boy mommy" she said and Lorenzo chuckled.

"We don't know Mia we can't make it be a boy or a girl we'll just have to wait and see" Lorenzo said and Mia pouted. I heard whining and I look down to see Amelia with her stuffy in her arms.

"Hey princess" Lorenzo said then picked her up. She smiled then pointed at Lorenzo's chest "boo boo dada" she whispered and Lorenzo nodded.

"What about Emma?" I asked Lorenzo and his expression changed.

"Don't worry when dad gets here he'll know what to do with her" he said.

This book is coming to an end😞



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