chapter 16

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I woke up feeling the urge to vomit, I ran into the bathroom and vomited out the contents of my stomach. I groaned then walked over to the sink, brushed my teeth then washed my face. I walked back into my room and my head started pounding. I've tried remembering everything that happened last night.

"Oh my god, logan" I groaned then sat down on the bed. I looked over to my right side off the bed and on my night stand was a glass of water, pills and a piece of paper that says drink me. I smiled then picked them up, I took the pills then sighed.

I went into the bathroom to freshen up. I took of all my clothes and turned on the shower. Closed my eyes and let the water run all over my body. Everything that happened last night was coming back. Well most of it. I quickly got soap all over my body then sighed. It felt so relaxing. Few more minute in the shower and I got out. I walked over to the mirror and was examining myself when I saw hickeys on my neck. My eyes widen and brought my hands up to touch them.

"Fuck that's alot" I said, from my shoulder going all the way up to my neck I bit my lip and thought about it. No one has ever marked me except Lorenzo. I walked into my closet and took out a dress and my pantie. I put them on and grabbed my make up. I rubbed some over the hickeys to hide them then left the room.

"Morning mamma and papa" I said as I walked into the kitchen I kissed both their cheeks then leaned over to see what mom was making for breakfast. I licked my lips then smiled and took up an Apple.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night" mom asked and I blushed then nodded. "I see you hiding those hickey girl" she said and my eyes widen.

"Ma!" I shouted and told her to be quite before papa hears.

"So did you have fun with Logan I'm sure he would like to see you again" she said while cutting up something. I sat on the island and took a bite of my Apple.

"Yes ma I did have fun with him but I don't think I want to see him again" I whispered and She rolled her eyes.

"If you say so" she said and I shook my head in disapproval. "Is everything ok in California? How is hazel" she asked and I'm glad she changed the topic.

"Everything is ok mamma and hazel she owns her own daycare and has a daughter named Parker she so cute" I said and she looked at me with those sad eyes. "Not again" I whispered then rolled my eyes.

"See hazel had a child but yet still you don't have one, not even a boyfriend" she faked cried.

"Ma don't worry you'll so get your grandbabies" I said and she smiled then nodded. She handed me my breakfast and I got of the island and walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. I turned on the tv then began eating.

"Oh I forgot to tell you that Isabella is coming over!" She shouted. After I finished eating I took out my phone and saw few text messages from Lorenzo.

"Good morning sleepy head" he said and I smiled.

"Hey are the girls doing ok?"I asked

"Yeah they are still asleep even though they've been giving daddy lots of trouble"

"Oh well that's sad"

"Are you doing ok over there?"

"Yeah I'm having fun" I texted back

"Don't have too much fun"
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guess what was Melia's first word?"


"Nope you remember that picture that you and I took before you left? I was showing it to her and she said mama I was jealous at first because she said mama before dada but I guess that's ok"

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