Chapter 24

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Last time on For the Record...

"Are you okay? Is everything alright?"

"Lauren and I are dating." I blurted out without a single second to think.


"Oh my god." I did not just say that. I did not just do that, oh my god.



"Dad I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." Tears started flowing from my eyes immediately, I couldn't look at him. I don't know if it's my tears or if my hands are genuinely shaking but I sure do know how to ruin a good day.

"Sit down." He pointed to the chair around the counter and I sat down immediately sobbing. I am so terrified. He sat down across from me not saying anything, just staring at his food.

"Dad?" I looked up and my heart broke, there was a tear escaping his eye. I've never seen him cry before.

"Are you gay?" I nodded, my head hanging as my tears dropped onto the table. I know now is not the time but there was a slight sense of accomplishment admitting that to myself for the first time.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, I love you. I don't know why you're so scared to tell me, I'd never stop loving you Y/N, no matter who you love. You're my daughter who I'll always want in my life. I'm glad you told me. I love you." I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him as I completely let my sobs out. I couldn't ask for a better father. After I calmed down he asked, "Have you told your mom?"


"Are you going to tell your mom?" My shoulders slouched as I thought about it.

"I-I..don't know, I don't think she'll take it well."

"Me either. Wait a little bit before you tell her." I nodded and hugged him again. "I love you."

"I love you too dad. Thank you." He kissed the top of my head and sent me off to my room since I have school tomorrow. How did I get so lucky? I went upstairs and called Lauren still shaking as I did.

"Hey babe is everything okay?" She answered immediately after one ring.

"Why would something be wrong?"

"You never call me. We text." There was a hint of amusement in her voice.

"I just came out to my dad. I told him about us." I heard shuffling on the other end before she said something.

"How did it go?" Her tone changed, she wasn't amused she sounded scared for me and sort of frantic. "Do you need me to come get you? Is anything bad happening?"

"He accepted me. We cried, mostly me I did most of the crying, I don't even know how it came out I just said it and started sobbing." She sighed in relief after hearing the first three words.

"So you're okay?"

"I'm okay." There was a bit of silence on the phone for a bit.

"FaceTime me."

"I have to change first."

"Or you can change on FaceTime."

"No." I put her on speaker and threw my phone on the bed as I slipped my clothes off. A yawn escaped my mouth in the process, I was pretty tired. "I have school in the morning."

"I won't disturb you, I just want to see your face." She sounded sincere.

"Okay, give me a minute." I changed into some pajamas which was for me just a huge T-shirt and put my bonnet on before calling her on FaceTime. "Hi."

"Hi gorgeous." I rolled my eyes knowing damn well I look a mess. "You're already in bed? It's only 9:30."

"I'm tired. Just because you don't have to get up until like 12 in the afternoon I gotta be up at 5 to get ready."

"Why do you need to be up that early? Your school doesn't start till eight thirty?"

"I'm slow at getting ready, plus I have to cook and eat breakfast and makeup and choose my outfit and shower. It's a lot."

"Whatever you say." She let out a yawn, can't tease me for being tired when she's tired too. Somehow I fell asleep still on the phone with Lauren and the thing that woke us both up was my alarm. I heard her groan on the other end of the line as I fumbled to turn it off.

"I'm sorry, go back to sleep." I assured her as I heard her moving in the other end. "Talk to you later okay?" She mumbled something and then I regretfully hung up. She's cute. Getting ready was fun and calm I blasted music from my phone, regular music, the whole time and by the end of it all I looked cute if I do say so myself. When I walked downstairs my dad and Dione were in the kitchen making breakfast. "Y'all making breakfast?"

"Yeah, it's a treat for you." Dad said. You could tell he was doing all the cooking since Dione cannot cook. She was literally just standing beside the stove eating the already cooked bacon off the plate. I kissed his cheek and sat down to an already made plate of breakfast.

"Thanks dad. I love you."

"Hey! I cooked too." My dad and I both raised our eyebrow at her and turned around knowing she didn't. After a little bit we all cooked sat down to eat except mom who was for some reason not here, maybe she was at work but I'm not mad. We all talked until it was time to go to school.

The day went by without hitches. Ally and Normani went wild over everything that happened yesterday. They were both happy for me and mad at me at the same time but it felt like friendship. Work was just as interesting. We tried our best to keep our relationship professional in front of our new coworkers but Lauren is so hot and I am still on a high. After work Lauren took me home since she picked me up earlier. We took Chris's car this time which is how we ended up here, making out in the backseat of a Toyota in my driveway. I'm pretty sure telling my dad about us removed Lauren's sleepover and closed door visit privileges, so this is all we have.

"My parents," I pressed my lips back onto hers grasping onto her shirt, "aren't home," kiss "this weekend."

"Are we gonna fuck?" Lauren stopped kissing me and watched me. Her expression was shocked but internally so was I. I never cussed before, this is exhilarating.

"I've never heard you cuss."

"Well you might hear more of it when I come over Saturday." I ran my tongue I her neck then started kissing in a singular spot.

"Woah when did you get so bold?" I bit my lip, I'm feeling a bit insecure now and embarrassed, I should've never done this.

"Since...since I...nothing." I tried climbing off her but she held my waist in place. I shook my head, "This was a bad idea, I should go inside."

"No, I like it. Boldness and all, I just think maybe we should wait to do that."

"Why? You don't think I can handle it?"

"No, because I'm not ready, not to have sex with you, you're different and special to me and I want our first time together to reflect that. I couldn't handle just fucking you, I want to make love to you when we get there." Those words shouldn't have turned me on, she was denying me but it was okay. I didn't even have a response to her so I kissed her hoping it said everything I couldn't. I pulled away and offered her a smile. "Let's get you inside, don't want you to get in trouble do we?"

"I don't wanna go, I wanna stay out here with you."

"Well that's too bad. Come on." She opened the car door and dragged me out of it much to my dismay. She pushed me in the direction of my door and watched as I walked inside before she drove away. No one was downstairs tonight so there was no one to question me about what I was doing in the driveway for half an hour. Tonight was calm but that never lasts long does it?

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