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I wake up and I see that y/n is still sleeping. She looks so adorable while she sleeps I take a picture to show her later. I get out of my bed and head into my bathroom. I wash my face and head to my closet. I take out a white long sleeve shirt and a blue skirt. I go into my bathroom to dress myself I also go and do my makeup while in there. I walk out and I see y/n is awake and that's she's already dressed and on makeup. "Morning chewy." She gives me that smiles that beautiful smile. "Good morning." I return her smile. We both head downstairs to see her mom dad and brother at the table. I sit down and y/n sits down next to me. We all eat and talk about random things.


As we eat I feel her bothers eyes fall on me. I try to act like it's not a big deal. After we finish I help pick up the plates and clean. Tzuyu goes up stairs to get something her mom needed. I sit on their couch. They have a really nice house. Her brother Minu (I made that up) sits down next to me. "Y/n can I ask you something ." I look up and nod. "Well....I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?" I don't know what to say. I've been asked this already but....I don't like boys sooo. What do I say. After panicking for 3 minutes I give him my answer. ".....yes....." "Great!" He squeezes my hand and walks off. I get up and go to Tzuyu's room she walks in. "So you're going out with Minu." "Yes...." "Oh ok...." she looks away. "So you must've rejected Jae, Felix, Jinyoung and Hanbin because you liked Minh right?" "Yup" I give her an awkward smile. I act like I got a text. "Chewy I gotta go. My mom needs me to....pick up groceries." She kids and I hug her and leave.

As I walk home I don't feel good at all. I get home and I go to my room. I lay on my bed not wanting to talk to anyone. Why did I do that. I feel so stupid. But I guess this is why things are going to be. Maybe I could develop feeling for him...I don't know. My phone buzzes.
Minu: so when are you free? 
You: next week ok Saturday
Minu: ok I'll pick you up at 7:30 pm.
Minu:see you then <3
I leave him on read. I can't with myself. I am very stupid
I knew I didn't like him AT ALL
I know I like GIRLS
My brain doesn't work sometimes smh.
My mom walks in. "Did you have fun at Tzuyu's?" "Ya I did..." "You're not telling me something." Fuck. "Well I'm going out with Minu on Saturday." "Oh honey that's wonderful! He's such a nice boy and he's good looking." I nod and smile at her. She leaves the room happy. Good thing I didn't come out to her yet. I never thought that this would happen to me. But you know how life works.

Third POV

I gets late and it's around 12 AM. Both Y/n and Tzuyu are awake and laying in bed. Both girls think about each other. Both think this
I want to touch her hand
I want to touch her hair
I want to touch her face
I want to be with her and only her
Both want to be with each other
Both don't want to y/n to be with Minu
Both know that their friends and family won't be ok with both of them being together.
Being with someone you love isn't easy for people of the opposite sex. It's hard
Some people don't understand this because they don't go through this.

Listen I'm sorry that I haven't been updating this. I've been focusing on my Let's Not Fall In Love fanfic. But I'm going to give this fanfic more attention. Also if you want to say anything to be dm me or dm me on insta my at is @dumplingduck

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