The REAL Beginning...but, a REALLY Weird Beginning

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    Lucy's POV

    I woke up, well not really woke up but kind of regained my senses with my eyes closed, feeling entrapped in warm chains. But... I kinda liked it. Then, I noticed that the chains were breathing. That's when I got weirded out.

    I shot open my eyes and saw a sleeping Natsu. But... he looked different... older... more mature.... some things I could have never imagined in him. But he also looked adorable and.... Damn he looked smoking hot!

    I was happy until I realized... Why does he look older? I looked around and saw that I was neither in my apartment nor his house. Why was I in a totally random house, in bed with NATSU? She looked over her shoulder and found a calendar. The calendar said... Holy Crap! Had I really traveled 20 years into the future? or was Natsu just pranking Me?

     Then a little girl around ten years old came into the room. She had rosy pink hair and brown eyes. She had a scarf that was like Natsu's, but it was pink and a bit smaller. Then She spoke "Mom..?" She asked in a tired voice. "Can you make breakfast? I'm hungry..... Charlotte is too." Then a little brown exceed poked it's tired little head in the doorway. I kind of just stood back and kind of watched the future me take over, like I handed her the control panel.

    I said "Sure... I'll just have to wake up your father first." Then I heard a voice in my head. 'THIS is the future... Pretty cool huh?' That was DEFINITELY Courtney. 'Can you bring me back now?' I asked. 'PFFT! Naw! You gotta live through this first!' Then I could feel she left my head. "Come on Fiery Beast... I gotta make breakfast.

    He slowly opened his green eyes and Smiled. (Capital S because you capitalize important things!) He kissed me on the cheek and got up. He was already wearing his pants and put on his vest. I got up just and he left the room. I was in a tank top and shorts. I chose an outfit and put in on. I Did my hair and went to the kitchen. Next to it was the kitchen table where Natsu, Happy, The girl and Charlotte were sitting. They were all talking. I was listening to their conversations and I heard the girls name was Nashi. 

    I came over with the pancakes when Nashi said "I should go get Nash. He's still sleeping and the pancakes are done." Natsu just nodded. 

    "Good morning Nu-Nu!" I said. Remember I'm still not in control. i'm just watching. I put down the plates of pancakes I was carrying and looked at him.

    "Morning Luce!" he replied. Nashi came in with Nash at that moment. Nash looked the same age as Nashi but had Blonde hair and Green eyes. Nashi didn't look too happy.

   "My brother here has been on his phone for the past Three hours." She said Angrily.

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