Roles and Responsibilities

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It wasn't morning, it couldn't be already, he was achy and drowsy and Harry resisted the outside influence that was trying to pull him from sleep. Yet the shaking of his shoulder was insistent, and with a moan of complaint, the sleeper was dragged out of slumber.

"-arry, come on lad," Moody's gruff tones greeted the waking wizard.

"What is it?" Harry returned blearily, squinting up at the silhouette of his colleague.

"Get your dressing gown, that friend of yours needs some damage control," the Auror returned, shoving something into Harry's palm before turning back to the door.

It took the young man a moment to recognise his wand, but then the urgency in his comrade reached him, and he scrabbled out of bed. Harry grabbed his glasses, his robe and slippers and pulled them on as he trotted after the disappearing back. He held on to any questions he had as they crossed the end of the sleeping medibay, but as they entered Draco's corridor, he asked anxiously, "What's the problem, Moody."

"His Nibs is popping wards like they're going out of fashion," the older man answered, his urgency turning to frustration as they neared their goal. "He's asleep, Poppy prescribed DSP because Malfoy was having trouble with random magic waking him up, but it's having side effects."

Neville was hovering a few metres away from the door to the room, looking frayed at the edges.

Moody strode up to him and told him, "You're the healer, you explain it."

The younger man looked unsure of himself for a moment, but then met the concern in his friend with, "Draco's subconscious is being repressed by the DSP. In a normal wizard, that just means he doesn't dream, but it appears, as far as I can tell, that Draco's subconscious is what is controlling his magic. And without it, random things are happening."

"We can't wake him up," Moody cut in impatiently, his magic eye spinning wildly with his agitation, "and Dumbledore's brief was that if we had anything we couldn't handle, that you're the next port of call. So he's all yours, Lad, at least for the next six hours till he comes out of it."

As if to back up the statement, there was a loud crack and a puff of yellow smoke as another ward blew. The feeling that ran through Harry was not as distinctive as the sexual call he had experienced that morning, but his instincts caught on to it as coming from Draco. He raised his wand as his gut told him the ward breaking was just the start, and he'd cast before he'd really thought about it; as the shape of a Dementer appeared in front of the wall where the ward had snapped, it was hit by 'Ridikulus', and the boggart that had formed into Harry's worst fear was defeated by a giggle from Neville.

Harry waved his wand again, but he didn't use a charm this time, instead, he pushed out his instincts and the ludicrous creature faded. It was only once this had finished that Harry's brain caught up with what he had done, and he stared from the end of his wand to where the boggart had been and back again, trying to fathom what magic he had actually performed. He felt vaguely out of control, worried by the way in which he had merely acted, unsure how he had got it right. However, his companions showed no such trepidation about his new-found talent; Neville was in silent awe, and Moody crossed his arms and regarded his comrade with a satisfied grin.

"Well, looks like Dumbledore was right," the Auror nodded firmly, "You're certainly faster than the rest of us. Should have called you in an hour ago. Took Neville and me five minutes of chasing to corner a Shadowmaker that came out of the wall, and then the blasted thing just disappeared on us. Pity the damned midnight webbing it left round the place didn't go with it, took us half an hour to clear up. That stuff sticks to everything, couldn't see the corridor for the gloom in places."

Revelations of Love - Moment by Moment Book #3 (Harry Potter, Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now