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Dinner began, at least superficially, very well; everyone was glad to see Hermione, who brought news from the Burrow, and the first course was filled with chatter mainly between Ginny and Hermione as they discussed the Weasley family. Ron seemed happier in the company of his wife, and joined in from time to time, but Minerva, Albus and Harry were content to just listen, interjecting only the occasional support for the conversation when neglect of their own interests was suggested.

Harry sunk back into his chair, nursing a goblet of very good wine as his empty plate disappeared.

He was enjoying the brightness to his companions' countenances as they talked about family. Hermione was gushing about the twins to their aunt, whose face shone at the news of the children she hadn't seen since they had been babes. Yet, the young man let his eyes drift inexplicably off his female friends, and across to the far end of the table, where sat the great Albus Dumbledore. He too was watching the animated conversation, but something struck Harry as being wrong with his attention. Glancing back at the two Weasley women, the young man realised what it was; his mentor's focus was not the conversation, his eyes rested solely on Ginny, and the serene smile hidden under his beard was only partly in his eyes. Harry had recently been under a similar scrutiny to that which he recognised in his old friend's eyes upon Ginny, and it made him suddenly uncomfortable as he was reminded of the reasons behind such interest. It made him wonder if he was also being observed in such a close way, every unconscious reaction noted for further study. He received his answer as he dropped his gaze for a moment, and then lifted it again, but not this time onto Albus, but up to his other rock. Minerva was taken by surprise, and her assessment was still resting upon the young Auror as it was met.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood straight as the discomforting discovery sent a jolt of shock down Harry's spine, and he could not stifle the resultant distaste in his manner. His observer did not retreat from the hot stare she was given, however, instead she maintained the gaze, acknowledging the reaction with a softening of her appraisal. Now alert, Harry caught the movement of Albus' white head out of the corner of his eye, which told him that he was now being observed by both of his mentors. He cast his annoyance between them, making it silently clear that he did not like their attention, whether pre-planned or impromptu (although he suspected the former). However, like his comrade, Albus Dumbledore did not back down from discovery, and Harry was faced with two sets of gentler, but none-the-less formidable considerations.

The young man wasn't sure what to do. Was he being tested, as Amelia favoured, or was this just an unlucky discovery that was being met honestly? He didn't know, and catching himself second guessing his own reactions did not help Harry at all. He considered standing up and demanding to know why he and Ginny were being watched, but he knew that would just upset his friend, and was probably an overreaction. Still, he bristled silently, feeling patronised by the understanding gazes.

"Harry, Harry," Ginny, herself, unwittingly broke the moment as she leant over the table to him and distracted with, "you got a jumper from Mum too?"

The young man took a moment to respond, and he saw Hermione's eyes narrow as he shifted in his seat.

"Yes," came finally from his lips and he forced a smile. "It's the only clothing I actually own."

Now he was being watched by three people, and Harry knew his grin was not fooling Hermione. However, the young man was rescued by one of his watchers, before Ginny could notice that he was fighting to find something else to say to her. Albus broke in to the conversation with his usual smooth timbre, and observed, "We must rectify that situation now you are out of the hospital wing, Harry. You and Ginny are sadly not unique in your pauper's arrival here, and we have funds in place to furnish the unfortunate with the basics."

Revelations of Love - Moment by Moment Book #3 (Harry Potter, Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now