Hard and Slow

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Draco was leant against the edge of the bed, nibbling at the remainder of the sandwich. He'd been ready to banish it somewhere and forget about it, but a promise was a promise in Harry's world, and when the serious petting had reached a pause, he'd insisted that his lover keep his word before they pursued their passion any further. Harry was therefore being the sensible Auror, more or less, and, wrapped around his own knees at the end of the bed, he was watching over his charge as he did as he was told. However, Draco, disgruntled with the order, was taking his time with the task, and, half-dressed, and horny as hell, Harry's patience was running out, much to his partner's delight. Harry shifted as his body pulsed, and, although Draco did not turn to look at him, a curl touched the edge of his lips as he took another, agonisingly small bite.

"Bastard," Harry charged of his lover, and this time the blond man cast him a bright blue, gotcha gaze, coupled with a broad grin.

"Well, you made me," he teased.

Faced with a come hither dare in Draco's eyes, Harry couldn't sit still anymore, and his lover's manner was triumphant as he crawled up the bed and settled just behind him. He shrugged off his own, loose-hanging shirt and reached impulsively for Draco's collar. Draco took another nonchalant bite of the bread, but he leant back into his torso as one of the Harry's hands ran under cotton and down over smooth chest and the other came up under one of Draco's arms.

"Yes, I made you," Harry agreed, kissing his lover's ear and holding him close, "and I'm still making you."

"You're worse than Pomfrey," Draco complained, deliberately rubbing against Harry's electrified flesh and making him murmur, but then changed his mind with the response he received and observed, "Maybe not, you're easier to manipulate."

Harry didn't disagree, his lover was pushing all the right buttons, and he was ready to forget about the scraps that were left. However, Draco continued to tease, using his partner as a convenient leaning post as he tore at the crusts with his fingers and popped small pieces into his mouth. That didn't mean he wasn't enjoying the attention; Draco shifted to accommodate Harry's exploring fingers, laying half across his lover and vocalising his pleasure as nails made the faintest of marks on his pale skin. Harry spread his knees either side of Draco's hips, bringing him in even closer to his own body. The other man responded with a shift against groin, that made Harry gasp and dig his fingers into the body he was holding. Draco tensed, which only intensified the move he had made and Harry hung on as they both shivered with arousal.

Finally, Draco revealed he had had enough of the tease, and Harry drew in another sharp breath as his instincts joined his already heated body and the plate disappeared, and reappeared on the bedside table.

"That was interesting," he murmured, and began nibbling at his lover's ear as the sensations ran through his body, adding to his passion.

Draco didn't respond in words, he just let his ardour out in a moan and laid his head on Harry's shoulder. His palms came to rest over the stroking motions that were being made over his chest, and, with a thrill, Harry followed a small push on one hand to go lower. His erection throbbed as he slid his fingers under Draco's waistband, and into the unusually soft hair he found within. Draco shifted again and complained as Harry remained there for a moment, on the edge of his desire, savouring the anticipation and caressing lightly.

"You can be a bastard, t-," Draco began tightly, but then his voice went away in an out rush of breath as Harry quickly dropped his touch the rest of the way and ran his fingers around his lover's shaft.

Harry smiled to himself as he felt his partner's pleasure through his gasps and the way he pushed up against him without much control. He just held Draco, enjoying the sexual confidence of being the initiator as he allowed him to become accustomed to the touch and waited for his tremors to ease. Harry used a small kiss to his neck to warn Draco that he wanted to explore some more, and he took the wordless murmur he gained in response as more than enough permission. Gently, but definitely, he moved his fingers down, cupping and squeezing his lover's balls; Draco gave him all the access he wanted, again unable to stop sound from escaping his mouth, or the trembling in his body. Erotic power ran through Harry, stimulating his ardour, raising his heart beat, as slowly he then closed back around the erect organ, and drew his trace the length of it. Draco sighed.

Revelations of Love - Moment by Moment Book #3 (Harry Potter, Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now