Aizlynn Thursday

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Brice walks up to me with a grin on his face. "C'mon. Let's go before I change my mind and ditch you."

"Okay. You're driving, right?"

"Yeah, sure. Anything for you."

"Would you jump off a cliff and die for me at my command, just for amusement?"

His expression is priceless.

"Sorry, too far?"

"Yeah, a little. But if it came down to who dies and who lives, I would die for you."


"Well, yeah. What are best friends for?"

"Okay, anyways, when are we going?"

"He looks down at me awkwardly. "Uh, as soon as you get off of me?"

"Oh my God. I was on you?" I ask, horrified.

"Well, yeah, hugging me."

Now that he says that, I remember. "Oh, gosh." I brush off my shirt, even though it's not dirty. "I did not just do that. Wow, that's embarrassing. Okay, then. Let's go!"


"Wow, that's the weirdest thing that's ever happened to- oh, wait. N-no. Nope, no it's not. Yea, that was an awkward day. We shall never speak of that again!"


We walk outside into the fresh air and head to his truck. He unlocks the doors, and opens the passenger door for me.

"Ladies first."

"Just be careful I don't jump into the driver's seat and drive away." A raised eyebrow is what I get in return. "Ask Jake."

"Sure." He turns left onto the road, and we speed away.

"What in the name of- Brice, why are you going 100, when the speed limit is 60?!"

He grins and goes up to 120.

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