Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Ben and I sat for a while, until he said he was hungry and stood up. I told him to go ahead, I wasn't in the mood to eat, but he insisted and basically dragged me to the kitchen. Siggy made some green leafy mush, with a side of carrots. I played with it for a minute before trying it, I didn't like it- not at all, but I knew I shouldn't waste. Ben sat across from me, eating his mush happily, so I played along and took a few more bites and downed some water. I was really thirsty from all the running we had done.

Once Ben finished eating he kept looking at me in short spurts, like I wouldn't notice.

"What, Ben?"

He was slightly stunned that I had seen him, since he believed he was being so sneaky. "Well... I just... I-I-I..." he cleared his throat and then coughed. "What do you want to be called?... If not Greenie?"

I put down my fork and thought about it. I want to be called by my name, but I don't know what it is. "I don't know..." I finally answered. I just want my name. The one thing that should still belong to me.

"You could make up a name for us to call you until you get your real one," Ben suggested.

"Eh, that seems a lot of work. And what if my true name comes and people think I'm lying?"

"Fair point. What about something you like, like Frypan's real name isn't Frypan."

"Yeah, I know, it's Siggy. I don't know, I haven't really found out what I like yet..."

Ben bit his lip," Okay... What about, instead of saying 'Hey greenie, how's it going', I'll say something like 'Hey, its me Ben! How's it going.' "

I laughed," That's not half bad, I could do that."

"Okay, it's settled. Whenever I want to talk to you, I'll address myself," Ben laughed. I could tell Ben cares about others, he doesn't want me to feel uncomfortable, so he's willing to change a normal greeting. He'll be a good friend to have. "So, any other big plans for the day?"

"Uhm, yeah," I say sarcastically," I'm training to become a Runner. It kind of takes all day."

Ben tries not to smile, but can't resist," But seriously?"

"Uhm.. no plans. But yesterday Gully said he thought I was training with the Builders today, but instead here I am with a Runner."

"Ah yes, Gully did mention that he wanted to train you today... If you want, I'll let you go, so you can train with the Builders."

"No, no! I like training to be a Runner, it's... soothing."

Ben smiled, "Until you get out there" he nodded towards the maze," then it's a battle of life and death. Making the right turn so you can make it back in time, racing against the sun."

"Well, it sounds like it's never dull," I smiled.

Right as Ben opened his mouth, we heard screaming coming from the maze, it was distant, but very real. My eyes darted towards the door and it seemed everyone in the Glade had gone still. The scream came again, closer this time, it made my hair stand on edge. Ben stood and without a second glance ran towards the door, other's were doing the same. I quickly got out of the bench and followed him, everyone was gathered around the door now. A third scream came, echoing through the chambers of the maze, but to me it sounded like it was right in front of us.

"Who is it?," everyone around me murmured.

"Is it Nick?"

"Sounds like Hank."

A fourth loud scream blasted towards us, followed by the sounds of grunting and struggling. Around the corner came the three Runners, but they weren't running. Two of them were hoisting the third up, dragging him along. It was Mihno and Hank, they were dragging Nick towards the door. I saw a blur pass my vision and it was Ben, running to them! Nick arched his head back and let out another piercing scream, I almost had to plug my ears.

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