class? nah

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Sorry for not updating sooner.
I suck at writing anyway.
On with the chapter!(cringes on the inside)

Deku pov

I woke up feeling acnowleged by someone, but I shrugged it off. I start getting ready and when I finish I grab my bag and open the door and..................and.....kachan is there.
"What the hell took so long ya damn nerd!?"
"Uu-h why were you waiting for me?"
"Were skipping"
"To class? Cause I'm not skipping class, but I'll skip to class!"
"Yeah, you will, if I make you."
"O-ok. '////~////´"
He backs me into my room'What is he doing? Why can't we go to his room? What are we doing in my room?'
"I'll answer that." He said
'Can he read minds?'
"No, I cant. Your just mumbling."
"O-oh, sorry!"
He locks my door and walks up to me, like really close for some reason. He then said this
"I heard you yesterday. Was it 'daddy kachan' that you said?"
In a deep sexy voice.
"I-I-I-Uu-uh-m w-w-ha-at-t?heh, n-no!"
"Yes you did"
"Ok, but that doesn't mean anything!"
"Yes it does"
"No and I'm going to class! Bye!"
"Nope. You're staying here with me and my boner."
"Y-y-ou-ur w-w-what-at!?"

And I'm officially disgusted with my self. Hooray! So time skip into half of it. Ugh.

Kachan's POV

I was about to enter deku.....Then a damn knock was at the door.I was FUCKING PISSED. I told deku to chill on the moaning and I put on some baggy sweat pants and went to open the door to see round face with a surprised look.
"Is deku here? Is he ok? Why are you here?"
I look at her with a death glare and say:
"He's fine,just...........SICK! Yeah!and I'm here to take care of him. Also you need to learn to mind your own goddamn business."
She gives me a confused look.
"Is he in heat?"
"I can smell him, it's not hard to tell that he's in heat. Also most of the alpha's are going crazy."
"Uhhhhnnnn! Can I just...... Like....can I go now? I need to get back to pleasuring a certain omega."
"O-OH!S-S-SURE!(I don't want to die from a horny,mad,alpha)"
I slam the door and take off the sweat pants and get back to the whimpering,panting,moaning mess of a needy omega.
"So that's why you smelt so good this morning. Huh."
I aline my member with his hole (again) and put my tip in. Deku starts to moan and mewl, and after awhile he starts whimpering for more. I slowly start pushing a little more in, and suddenly ram into him, earning a scream of pleasure and moans.
I quicken my pace and start to feel a knot forming in my stomach. I glance at deku and stop moving. He shakes is head 'Jo's and I pull out and Grab both of our members and start pumping, we both him soon after and my knot forms. I lay down next to deku exhausted. And panting.

Hehehehehe! I HATE MY SELF FOR DOING THIS! But I did it at my own will, soooooooooo......... hahahahahahahaha....ha..a

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