My Roomate!?!?

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(Your POV)
After everyone introduced themselves the Yellow cocoon is named Aizawa sensei aka known as the underground pro hero eraserhead was sleeping and everyone was silent surprisingly cause they were loud earlier just stair at you you finally say something "WHAT!?" You said with your eyes turning a light shade of red

(Your POV)After everyone introduced themselves the Yellow cocoon is named Aizawa sensei aka known as the underground pro hero eraserhead was sleeping and everyone was silent surprisingly cause they were loud earlier just stair at you you finally s...

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"I-I wanted to know h-how y-you meet
B-Bakugo..." Uraraka said "ummmm Ok?" You said with a confused look "you could have asked round face?" You and Bakugo said at the same time.uraraka looks at me and Bakugo so does the class except todoroki and izuku they were making out in the corner (SORRY I REALLY LOVE THAT SHIP!😍)
"Well we meet at a camp?" You said thinking on how you meet "AHHHH I FORGOT DONT TELL THEM Y/N" Bakugo shouts blushing "ohhhhh~ now I remember hehehheeh" you giggle remembering what happend "NO!" Bakugo says before you teleport him in a locker "so we meet at a camp and it was the 5th day I was sitting near the docks and Bakugo saw me he was sent to look for a girl with (your blah blah hair,eye,etc)
He shouted at me saying "HEY YOU Y/N THE COUNSELOR SAID HE WANTS YOU INSIDE!" Ween he starts marching down towards me and he tripped over the dock and was flying of the dock into the lake he was really low tempered I was just.dying of laughter and from that day on we were best friends!"

"Awwwww that's kinda cute"momo said After the story I teleported Bakugo back in the class "YOUR SUCK A DICK Y/N" Bakugo says shacking you "Whatever you say Princy" You said to him (you call him princy) "I hate that nickname"he says blushing a bit "AND I HATE YOU CALLING ME PRINCESS!?" You say pouting "Your such a Tsundere princess" he says smirking "AHHHHHHH" you scream "you go suck a dick Princy" you say with a frustrated flustered tone "yeah yeah princess~" he said smiling "WAS THAT A SMILE!?" Everyone shouted "bakubro I didn't know you smiled I know you smile but not out of happiness!"kirishima says "whatever we're getting are dorm mates I gotta go pack" you said
(3 hours later)
Time to meet my new roommate! You thought in your head you open the door and you see your roommate


(To be continued)

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