Bakugo's crazy 'Ex'|part 5|

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(Still my POV)
After awhile you and Bakugo hanging out in his room

He gets up and asks if you wanna go Eat some food you agree and stand up

Romeo flys and lands on behind bakugo's back
You giggle because your behind him and Romeo just gives you a blank stare turning his head

You both make it down and see everyone sitting down watching a movie You say something making them turn around

"Hello fellow classmates!" You say waving

They all wave and they realized Bakugo was in the kitchen

But Izuku saw his back and laughed everyone turned to him

"What's so funny Midoriya?" Mina asks

"T-the bird on his back!" Izuku manages to get out Bakugo just scoffs and goes to the table and sits down eating a sandwich and he takes a piece of it and they hear a


The look over and see a beautiful bird on his shoulder

Eating the piece of bread you just laugh and walk over and scratch Romeo's neck making him Squawk in pleasure

The class just sat there looking at them then Romeo squawked

"Raaaaa Y/N!" He then flys over to you and rubs his beck on your cheek

You giggle and kiss him on the head making him give a eye smile?

Mina suddenly says "awwwww he's so cute!" She said putting her hands on her face and the other girls did the same

Romeo then says "raaa Mina!"

"Huh he knows my name!" Mina said

"He hears what we say and repeats it we were just talking and we saw a picture of a pink Cotton ball and I said Mina he heard and know he knows your name" You say putting the bird on the floor

"Does he know everyone else's names?" Uraraka says

"Well Yeah ween he said Mina he just said all your guys names and the pros and he memorized them" You say

"That bird is smart don't know how" Bakugo said walking up the stairs

"Y/N imma hit the hay and Romeo ween your ready just fly to the room bye guys"Bakugo said waving tiredly

The class was shocked "d-did he just not curse or Scream the whole time and he didn't call use Extras!" The class said looking at were Bakugo was

Romeo then spoke "Raaaaa Bye extras!"He said flying toured his room

The class sweat and then say "the bird is just like Bakugo~" the class say lazily

After 10 minutes they all passed out not going to there rooms

You just laugh and walk to bakugo's dorm to see him sleeping peacefully

You just laugh and walk to bakugo's dorm to see him sleeping peacefully

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