Mr. Hawk

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For Day 1 (Far from Home) and Day 2 (Patterns) of SasuSaku Month 2019

Rating: K
Summary: Sarada has a specific routine every afternoon, but there was something different about today that caught her mother's attention.


At first, Sakura thought everything was just like the usual – Sarada would go out upon waking from her afternoon nap to play in her treehouse, return inside the house happily to help her prepare dinner, and then eat dinner with her while rambling about her new discoveries for the day. It's been like that for more than a week now, but today was quite different than expected.

A loud thud was heard from the front door while she was slicing some tomatoes in the kitchen, followed by stomps of little feet that were becoming louder as it approached her earshot. With a raised eyebrow, the Uchiha matriarch turned and caught a glimpse of her daughter's scowling face as she ascended the stairs, avoiding the kitchen in the process.

Sakura could've opted to cook their meal first and then deal with her daughter later, but if there's one thing she and her husband have become accustomed to, it's having a positive ambiance while eating together for it was very rare for them to even be in the same table all at once. So after putting the knife down, she wiped her hands with a small towel and then made her way to her daughter's bedroom.

"Sarada?" She knocked lightly, entering the room only after hearing the approval in her daughter's small voice. "Is everything okay, sweetheart?"

But what she saw already confirmed the answer to that.

It was both amusing and heartbreaking to witness how her daughter was just stationary on her bed, with her arms crossed and a pout plastered on her face. Amusing because the sight was reminiscent of a young Sasuke, making her heart skip a beat for the reminder that indeed, she has married her childhood crush and this was her beloved child with him. On the other hand, it was heartbreaking because she has done everything that she could to keep Sarada happy and fulfilled; so seeing her like this now, Sakura knew she was ready to punch to the ends of the earth whoever or whatever was making her daughter lonely.

She sat beside Sarada on the bed, pushing some strands of her black locks away from her face. "Want to tell mama what's wrong, Sarada?"

"Mr. Hawk never came."

"Mister...hawk?" Okay, she was kidding. She wasn't ready to punch a little bird to the ends of the earth.

"Yeah. I saw you meeting with him sometimes."

Sakura could only blink at this, not sure if her six-year-old daughter was merely imagining things or she has already outsmarted her.

Sarada gave her a look as if she was supposed to understand things in a snap because she was actually the mom here. Then she added, "Whenever you meet with him, it's either there's a new letter from Papa or you've sent him one."

Ah. So that's Mr. Hawk, huh? The Uchiha matriarch stifled a laugh at the realization. She didn't know that her daughter was a witness to her encounters with Sasuke's hawk.

And for Sarada to give him a nickname? Ain't that cute?

She cleared her throat before speaking again, "I see. Can you tell me why you're expecting Mr. Hawk to come to you?"

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