I think I love him Part 17

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~lances pov!~

 I woke up this morning feeling better than i had in a long time. I felt free. Like i could do/ say anything and be fine. I think i love something or someone. I smile at myself, there is a knock on the door. "Come in!" I say a little to happily. The door slides open keith stands on the other side. 

"Speak of the devil." I smile at him. He looks away obviously uncomfortable. I stop smiling, "morning beautiful." He glares at me. I don't understand. Normally he blushes or something other than glare at me. Normally he acts like he wants me, but right now today at this moment he doesn't. 

"Lance we need to talk." Keith shifts uncomfortablely 'Oh god what did i do.' I see him look at my blood staned boxers, bed sheats, and floor. His face contorts in a strange way. 

I should just tell him, "i tryed your coping mechanism of cutting and bleeding and whatever. And it works! I feel so much better!" 

I smile at him. He rubs his arm looking down. "God lance I'm so sorry." He looks up at me his eyes discolored. "You shouldn't be doing that." 

"No it's really fine it felt nice. It was like when the blood left my body the care left with it. Like that blood was poisoning me or something. It made me feel great I've never felt so... Whats the word alive." Keith's eyes fill with tears. I don't understand why. He cuts so why can't i do it if it's helping me?

Keith hugs me, "lance please please don't ever do it again." I want to nod but it made me feel so alive. 

"Keith you don't understand it made me feel something other than fear and hate. Well i felt more hate but fears gone and i feel great theres not even that much blood." I smile wanting to kiss his head but i feel something stop me. I couldn't explain it if i wanted to maybe reality. 

"Lance you have to stop It's a stupid thing to get into. I only do it because if i don't after i see you i wanna cry- fuck forget i said that" keith leaves the room wiping his tears from his eyes.

~Keith's pov!~

 I walk out of lances room i feel sick again. I wanted to tell him how i feel but then he just ugh! And then i ugh! I hate him!

I find my room i don't cut or anything i just sit on my bed. I feel my body heat up. I feel so weird. "What is this feeling so sudden and old... Wait" i punch myself in the head for not realizing it before. This is how lance must have felt when i loved him but he didn't love me back... Wait lance doesn't does he? 


Lance and hunk are talking in the kitchen, well i over hear them talking. 

"Hunk keith is so amazing!" I hear lance saying in a higher pitch.

"Yes he is but lance keith isn't very stable." Hunk says, is that what he thinks of me.

"You. Don't. Understand. I. Love. Him. I wanna be with him i wanna hold him. I wanna make him happy. I want a dude named keith." 

I run to my room they probably heard me i wasn't exactly trying to sneak away. I look back to see lance standing outside the kitchen doors. I turn my head back down accidentally bumping into pidge. 

"Keith!" She says happily, i put my hand over her mouth shushing her. She glares at me then understands when i uses that weird mind talking shit we can do.

'Lance is after me.'

'Is that not a good thing?'

'It would be about a week ago'

'Wait your over him! You can't be he needs you. And you need him!'

'No i don't katie.' 

I move my hand from her mouth. Then walk to my room. She follows me.

"Okay keith what do you mean your over lance?" She puts quotations around the over with her fingers. 

I cross my arms, "I just every time i look at him i see Isabella and i feel sick and i can't do it. I wanted him sense the day i saw him," I look over her head, "and now he wants to be with me. But i don't wanna be with him. I've dealed with him for... Sense i was eight he didn't want me then why would he want me now?" Pidge's eyes soffen. 

"Keith i-i don't understand but i can sure as hell try! Keith i think lance just realized that your his only constant. Your always there for him. So after like a long time he's realized he wants something stable. Stable like a table and your that stable table for him he needs you in a way. Not a safe way for how much he just started loving you and nothing has happened before. Now you could still love him but..." I laugh at katies rambling it reminds me of lance and i well i like that. 

"Ah so your saying he wants/needs me in a way? And i sould just date him and shit?" Pidge nods.

"Well like no but yeah.."

"Ugh fine I'll make him happy and shirt." I cross my arms going to find lance. 

~when keith finds lance~

I find lance in the training deck, "hey you!" I say trying to sound like a male suzaha. Lance turns looking at me with a smile.

"Do doo do!" He says trying to sound like a male mayushii. I laugh resizing how hecking cute he is.

"Aww hey lance wanna like go out or something?" I ask some small part of me wants him to say yes the rest wants him to say no. He starts blushing he looks so forking cute.

 He looks down nodding, "like boyfriend boyfriend?" 

"Yes lance ypu dummy boyfriend boyfriend like." I cross my arms not liking having to fake love lance my soulmate. God this is forked up. 

"Yes please. I wanna date you." He says looking anywhere but at me. 

I've wanted this for so long and now that it's happening i feel sick. I hate doing this to my soulmate. "Ahaha good." The laugh was fake and forced i walk over to lance and hug him kissing his neck. It was weird seeing i don't want him very much anymore. But it seems to make him happy. I got a small sound from him. It's so cute, i want to be the only one to hear it. But it makes me sick. Lances hands ball into little fist. It's kinda adorable. 

I step back, "cool so guess we're a thing now." I say shyly. I know this wont last but still.

"Yeah.." Lance blushes.

~Lances pov!~

Keith asked me out!!! And like ahhh i don't want this high to end, but it will. I fucking love that little galra he makes me happy. But the strangest thing is that we still have the string thing. 

Which i thought it left after about a when you realize you love each other. So why do we still have it?

~that night 3:46 am~ 

I wake up for the 5th time that night. I feel like i can't sleep. I should go to keith. Yeah lance that's a good idea! He is your boyfriend. 

~at the door of keiths room~

I knock on the door softly saying, "keith can i sleep with you tonight?" Nothing. I knock louder waitting for him to say anything. I feel something cold reach out behind me. I turn nothing. I bang on his door, "keith please!"

The door opens keith stands in front of me with boxer's and thats it. I blush at seeing him like this. "Sorry i had to put bottoms on. I sleep in the nude and people don't like it when i answer my door naked." I blush a deeper color just at the thought of a naked keith.

I look at his face and only his face... Jk i stared at his chest. Very nice. "C-c-an i-" "-spit it out lance." Keith cut me off by talking over me it was a nice change than him kissing me. "Can i sleep here tonight?" 

I look down embarrassed in myself. He nods, "yea come on in." I nod walking into the room. He lays on his bed i lay down next to him. He puts his arm around me. I smile. 

"Keith i think i love you." No response. 

((A/N holly heck thanks for 20k read like wow! Thats so many! So like yeah thanks so much!!!! Btw parts will be longer like the last two because i have a hecking plot and yeah! Word count:1453 and like oof. Y'all hated lance for a long bit now time to hate keiyh for a bit.))

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