My big break??

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Wow this week has been amazing! The boys and I have hung out several times throughout the days. Of course we had to work around the boy's busy recording schedual and my school schedual. Which I managed to make very flexible ;). They were originally only here for 3 days but for some reason they keep extending the departure date. I dont ask why, I just go with it.

I was currently doin my math homework. Bleh. When my blue iphone 4 buzzed.


When I saw the name I smiled. I have hung out with Niall the most. And we were Getting pretty close. Not close like butterflies close, but like he was my best friend.

N: Hey! Are you busy at the current moment?

Me: Nope

Haha. See what I mean about making my schedual flexible?

N: You wanna come and jam with us for a while?

Me: Sure! I'll be ove in a few yeah?

N: ok :)

I shut my phone off, closed my math homework an headed off to the boys' hotel. It turns out they were staying in a hotel Just a 5 minute walk from my house. How beautiful is that?!

I got to the hotel and stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor and waited. The music was wmyb. Haha how funny is that?

When the ding came I walked out and through the halls to the boys' room. I don't even have to knock because they always leave it open a crack for me when they know I'm coming.

Stepping in I saw that the boys had already started so I just stood their and listened to the song they were singing.

When I see you with him

slow dancin

tearin me apart cuz you don't see

Whenever you kiss him

I'm breakin

Oh how I wish that was me

Oh how I wish that was me.

Zayn finished with a smooth voice and I erupted into applause as the boys jumped realizing just now that I was here.

Louis was the first to speak.

"So you like?"

"Of course! you guys are awesome!"

"Aww shucks" zayn responded and pretended to blush.

I just rolled my eyes and took a seat on the chair that was strangely not occupied.

"So what next boys an girl?" Liam asked everybody

"WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!!" I shouted and all the guys laughed as Niall begun to strum his guitar.

Liam started.

You're insecure. Don't know what for.


The song ended with Harry: That's what makes you beautiful!


My eyes went wide as louis made this comment.


"Oh come on Nat" said Niall "you've heard us, now we get to hear you. You told us you loved music. So why not sing your music?"

"Okay point taken. Can you play Taylor swift ours?"

"Umm no. I don't know any super girly songs."

I huffed loudly.

"okay hand me the guitar."

"You play?"

"Yes sir."

Niall handed me the guitar and I started to strum. Pouring all to my heart into the song.

Eventually I forgot that the 5 boys of one direction were watching me and thought i was singing by myself again.

So when I stopped and looked up, I saw 5 boys with stunned looks on their faces.

"Oh my gosh... NATALIE YOU'RE AMAZING!!"

"Wow thanks Harry." I felt myself blush. I never thought that I would be complimented by a well known popstar legend person thingy.

"Seriously Nat, you have got to do something with that voice. It cannot stay a private thing forever. People would love you. " said Liam.

I shrugged.

"I dunno guys.... if I had the chance I would. But no oppurtunities have come up."

"Well now you have us to give you a jumpstart." Niall stated while coming to sit with me. On the one person chair, so of course I had to move over.

"What are tou guys thinking?"


"Yes Liam?"

"I believe we have a phone call to make."

These guys were being awfully sneaky. Should I be worried?

Dear dream life,

Am I finally getting somewhere with my music? Will my dreams finally come true? I don't wanna wait. I need answers.

I love you!



So who is this phone call to? hummmmmm

read,comment, tell ur friends about this story!

love you all!!



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