Chapter 1: realizing the truth

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Naruto is 7

also, the Uchiha massacre never happened meaning Itachi is still in Konoha, but that also means shisui's alive, so that also means that Itachi doesn't have the mangekyo Sharingan since he never saw Shisui die


'what's wrong with me, why do the villagers keep trying to practically kill me' thought Naruto as he finally made it back to his apartment and locked the door

' seriously, why do they hate me so much' ' ok naruto think this through what about you is so hate-able, is it the way I look... no, the only small difference is with hair and eye color.

okay maybe there are or were uzumakis other than me that did something, well it's possible, but I don't have that info... unless I get the info from the library. 

it just might work too, the people who work there always toss out the books that I so much as touch so if I just get my hands on some books and wait for her to throw those books away in that special bag that she set up since she thinks I'm a so-called monster, then I can just take them out and she'll just be happy they're gone, she wouldn't think differently for a second.'

'hey now that I think about it, I could study and get stronger this way, but first, let see about the Uzumaki deal' 

as Naruto was about to walk out he thought to himself

' wait, the library is closing in an hour and 1/2, and even though that's enough time, I could just stay in there overnight, they have a workroom in the back and there is a fridge and a microwave in there too, plus Jiji just bought me some new groceries yesterday. on top of that, if I remember right Jiji said there's a special jutsu around the library that allows no chakra in or out and no sound, and that means I could train without worry. THIS IS GREAT' ' even better no one thinks of breaking into a library so there won't be guards, and since it's closed and no ones there, I can go up to the higher levels. I've even heard Jiji mention there's a mini training ground in that place, which means I can practice jutsu, plus since tomorrows *************** they won't open and won't open till the day after at 12 pm and they close today at 11:30 am meaning I get to be there for a whole 48 hours, man this is a dream come true. but I better pack a lot, now where's that special scroll Jiji got me for storing stuff....'

Naruto then went and stealthily snuck in with all his stuff and right and 11:29 too, he then hid behind a bookcase and not a minute later the librarians walked out locked the door after turning the lights off. lucky for Naruto there was not a single window in the whole library, Naruto quickly walked over and hit the light switch and smiled. 

" ahh, this will definitely be fun," Naruto said and got right to work

-3 hour later-

' okay so far all I know is 

1. how the uzumakis were wiped out

2. my mother is kushina Uzumaki

3. how Konoha village started, and about kekkei Genkai now.  so I'll be testing that later.

and now I'm trying to find my da-' 

Naruto looked at the page in disbelief seeing his pregnant mother and Minato namikaze, who he knew was the 4th Hokage, hugging each other in a picture that dated back around 7 years ago. 

" no, no way, " Naruto said in disbelief.

' this can't be right, right? I mean the 4th Hokage's not my dad but, our resemblance is uncanny, it's like looking at an older me without my weird whisker scars. there's no denying it, but then wait... whats the problem with m-' naruto's eyes widened, he had heard of jinjuricki and then he realized it, 7 years ago his dad fought the Kyuubi, he's 7, what's the coincidence. ' then that's why, I really am a mon-, NO, no I'm not I'm only the scroll for a kunai' naruto resolved and sighed. " now that that's over I guess I should start reading over on chakra and stuff. ' Naruto thought and went over to read the book on chakra for beginners, then decided to read the chakra books all the way to jonin level.

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