Chapter 3: Bonds, Deals, and Waves

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on to the story.



Sitting back down under the beutiful cherry blossonm tree team 10 sat down and stayed quite before naruto decide to speak up.

"ok, now that we've got that out of the way we can continue. For starters, though I can't say your weak for genin, your not strong either. So we'll need to improve your skills, and from what I can tell while ino looks like more of a mid-to-long range fighter, Shikamaru you look like more of a mid-range fighter with a little of both long-range and short-range. I, on the other hand, could, if need be, fight in all three categories though I prefer short range. So to start, that is if you accept, I'll have you start by putting on these chakra weights ( naruto pulls out 4 pairs of chakra waits ) ( 8- 2 for arms and 2 for legs) and next running 5 laps around the training ground, but before that I want to explain the rest. In the morning I want you two to run three laps around your respective clan compounds. Next, before I teach you anything i want you to master the jutsu you each have in your arsenal to a point of either no or little hand signs and chakra and a ready instinct. Now that's over I'll be off but before that let me explain that whatever you learn from me or I give you, for example, your chakra weights, you have to keep it secret from everyone unless for two reasons.

(1.) - If it's a life or death situation.

(2.) - If I permit you.

Now that that's over I'll be off, oh and every week increase the morning and training field lap by one lap.

Ja Ne

'troublesome' the Nara thought before sighing and putting on the chakra weights then running.

' well if mr.lazy can do it then so can i' ino thought before doing the same as the nara and then running.


-with Naruto-

Using the shushin no jutsu, naruto made it to his destination rather quick. Infront of him was the sign " Ken Family Ninja Shop" ( ken-japenese=sword-english). Walking in he wen't to the front desk to see an middle-aged man standing behind the counter, the same middle-aged man he bought all his ninja supplies from. Kioshi Ken( kioshi-japanese=quiet-English)( Tentens father). Walking up to the counter he greeted him.

"Kioshi-san" naruto greeted

" ah, naruto-Kun, how are you? Anything I can do for you?" Kioshi asked

" Yea i have a proposition for you..."


Walking out of the shop an hour later he was overly happy how things had worked out, he had proposed that he could provide more seal variations other than just sealing scrolls and paper bombs and in better quality. Not only that, but he also offered to come in if a customer wanted something specific, advice on fuinjutsu, or just plain questions. Actually, there was so much he could offer and so much Kioshi liked that he had suggested that he open a Fuinjutsu+E.T.C. shop right next door. He of coarse could name it whatever he wanted or could use Kioshi's since they had decided to link their shops together making it more of a bigger store with two sections than two separate shops. This also worked in naruto's favor since he would often be on missions so he wouldn't always be able to work his own shop, so they would connect the two and Kioshi would run both. Of course, naruto offered for kioshi to take 50% of the profit and him only 50% as well since he was probably going to be constantly working the register for both stores, but Kioshi refused saying that he couldn't take the profits if he wasn't the one supplying the goods, especially Fuinjutsu. Apparently, the only people who know remotely anything about seals ( that weren't the Hokage, Jiraiya, Tsunade, or Kakashi) were most jonin who knew level 1 or level 2 at most, and some chunin who knew the bare basics of level 1. While he, on the other hand, was a level 10 seal master ( there are only 10 levels) while people like Jiraiya were only level 9 and the Hokage a level 7 or low level 8. That in itself spoke volumes though unless someone specifically asked about his seal mastery level, which probably wouldn't happen since most people didn't know much about seals, he wouldn't say. Deciding to go ahead and start on the building process he performed the Multi Sadow clone jutsu and about 300 shadow clones appeared, he then ordered them to each use the transformation jutsu and get started on what he decided to call, the "Uzumaki Fuinjutsu Shop". Now realizing it was late naruto headed home and decided to get an early night's sleep.


- 3 weeks later-

Currently, we find Team 10 walking to TG10 to meet up. During those 3 weeks, ino and Shikamaru had increased their leg and arm weights to about 6 kg per weight ( 24 kg= about 52-53 pounds) and had mastered the jutsu in their arsenal as best they could. Now they were meeting up for the next step of training, oh and they've completed around 35 d-ranks.

Arriving at there usual meeting place naruto sat down under the cherry blossom tree and waited, and a few minutes later they arrived. Shikamaru first then a couple of seconds later right on the dot, ino arrived. Sitting under the cherry blossom tree naruto decided to start.

"ok, now that we're all here let's begin. First off I'm happy to see you both make progress in the last couple weeks and now it's time to really start training," -N

" You mean we were what, JUST WARMING UP!!" -I

" Troublesome Blonds" one Nara mumbled

" No, what I'm saying is that now I can teach you new things. For example, jutsu. "-N

" oh..." -I said and blushed a little at yelling.

" Now the first thing I'll do is explain what elemental affinities are in simple terms. So, elemental affinities (are/ is) the (element/elements) you're best able to use and will probably have the most success with. Though that doesn't mean you can't use other elements it just means you'll be able to use your (element/elements) easier. To find out what your elemental affinities ( are/is) you'll use this chakra paper ( naruto said while pulling out two pieces of chakra paper)and push your chakra through it. If your affinity is

Fire - it'll burn to ash

Water - it'll get damp/wet

Earth - it'll crumble to dust

Lightning - it'll crumple up

Wind - it'll cut in half or at least cut.

Now go ahead and pump your chakra through."-N finished

Both pumped their chakra through and were surprised to see their results. While Ino had a high water affinity Shikamaru had lightning.

"hmm, water and lightning. Well, let's get started."

naruto said and they started training.


Hey guys, sorry I didn't post over thanksgiving break, but I have a new ( but small ) chapter. I'll try to get back into posting more, but also I would love comments on what you think and/or what you want to happen.



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