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It was Friday night and Peri was out with Nico; her and Nico had become fast friends and Nico had somehow persuaded Peri to come out tonight to which their Mums both agreed to after a bit of pleading from them both; Peri and Nico were practically inseparable these days, they often hung around together at the folly with Tom Cunningham who took a while to warm to Nico because of who her Mum was, but in the end he did and they all became best friends who supported each other through thick and thin.

Peri looked at her watch as the loud music echoed in her ears; it was 11:30pm and Nico was nowhere to be seen, she had no idea how she managed to let Nico persuade her to come but she did so right now here she was stood in the corner of the club that her and Nico had snuck into, and she couldn't find Nico and to make matters worse she was feeling rather tipsy; some people would say Nico was a bad influence on her but that was only because they didn't know the real Nico; she was sweet, kind and caring and Nico always looked out for Peri, maybe not always it the best way but when it came to it Nico always had her back.

As Peri scanned the room for Nico one last time she gave up when she couldn't see her, with a sigh she decided to go outside and get some fresh air; her Mum was going to kill her.

Once outside she looked at her phone and saw 11 missed calls all from her Mum, just as she was going to do the responsible thing and call her back she spotted Nico coming up to her.

"Where have you been?" Peri shouted at Nico as she came to stand in front of her.


"Chill, how can I chill, we snuck into a club, we're only fourteen..." Peri rambled on as Nico cut her off.

"Keep it down" Nico hissed "If anyone hears you we will be in so much trouble, beside we had fun right" Nico smirked.

"Nico I have 11 missed calls from my Mum" Peri said showing her screen to Nico who just smiled at her "Nico, seriously I am in so much trouble, I can't believe I let you talk me into this"

"Oh come on, Leela's cool, maybe if we leave now she won't be too bad, and maybe she won't tell my Mum"

"Are you kidding, if I'm going down you are too" Peri said with a small smile at Nico.

"Fine" Nico said rolling her eyes in a playful manner; she loved Peri she really did, Peri was the first real friend she ever had, they did everything together which sometimes drove their parents insane but she didn't care because she would do anything for Peri; she was her best friend.

Nico watched as Peri stared at her phone worriedly as if she was willing it to ring but it wouldn't.

"Come on" Nico said kindly grabbing her by the hand and pulling her away from the club, making sure they went unnoticed by the bouncer that they had alright managed to sneak past once.

"It's gone midnight, my Mum is going to kill me for sure" Peri said to which Nico just smiled at her.

"Why are you smiling? This is so not a smiling moment" Peri said seriously.

"Okay, Okay, I'm sorry" Nico said as she held her hands up in surrender "I'm just glad you've started calling her Mum"

"Who?" Peri asked as a sick feeling started coming over her.

"Leela" Nico told her with a smile; she was happy her friend finally seemed happy and she liked Leela a lot, she seemed pretty cool, also her Mum and Leela were like best friends so it was pretty awesome because it meant whenever her Mum meet up with Leela she could hang out with Peri.

"Well she is my Mum" Peri shrugged before putting her hand to her forehead "I'm gonna be sick"

Nico quickly pushed Peri away from her as she didn't want to be puked on.

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