Job Choosing Day

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Disclaimer: I don't own Divergent all rights to Veronica Roth!

Tris POV

Today could either destroy my life or make it better. Today all of the initiates will see our rankings and choose our jobs. I'm thinking of being a tattoo artist or working with Tobias in the control room. I will definitely train transfers with him though. I'm looking forward to scaring the new initiates next year!

As I walk to the dining hall I see Will and Christina. "Hey guys! What's up?" I ask. "Just imagining what our lives would be like with new jobs" Will answers. "What job do you think you will pick Tris?" Will asks.

"I'm deciding between a tattoo artist with Tori or working in the control room with Four." I'm pretty sure I'll pick the tattoo artist but I like to have my options. "What about you Will?"

As he thinks about this, I realize how much of an Erudite he still is. He looks as if he is in deep thought. Finally he answers. "I will most likely work in the control room" I already know what Christina is going to choose, but I ask anyway.

"What about you Christina?" I ask.

"I'm definitely going to choose something in the beauty industries" she says. "Maybe Brave and Bold beauty shop." She says as we walk into the Dining hall. We sit at the table reserved for Dauntless initiates. Before I sit down, I scan the room for Tobias.

I don't see him so I just sit down with Will and Christina. I guess Christina noticed because she asks "Who are you looking for?" "To-Four!" I correct myself. Sometimes it's hard not to say Tobias.

I want to tell Tobias what job I'm going to pick. As initiates, we get our new apartments today. I hope I get one close to Tobias' room.

In the haze of my thoughts I hear Max speaking "Today we are congratulating our initiates on becoming new Dauntless members." And with that the crowd erupts with excitement! Their excitement makes remember the reason why I choose Dauntless in the first place. Their freedom.

"Since Tris was first, she gets to pick first." Max says. He gestures me to walk onto the stage. The palms of my hands are sweaty even though I know what I am going to choose.

I grab the microphone and accidentally drop it on the floor of the stage. It makes that terrible screeching sound. I feel so embarrassed! Partly because I just dropped the microphone when I'm supposed to be telling them my job and getting my apartment!

I slowly bend down and grab the microphone. "I would like to be a tattoo artist and train initiates." I say confidently.

I look across the dining hall and see the goofiest grin on Tobias' face. At that moment I realize I love him more then I thought I ever would.

This is my first fanfic. Hope you like it!
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