Chapter 2: The Question

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Disclaimer: I don't own Divergent all rights to Veronica Roth!

Tris POV

I step off the stage and walk towards Tobias who still has that adorable look on his face. I feel other people's eyes on me and try not to make eye contact. When I reach the back off the room Tobias grabs my arm and drags me out the door.

"What are you doing?!" I say almost yelling in a cheerful way. "Saving you from being judged." He says answering my question. "Also I have a question for you."

"Okay ask away." He looks a little nervous, I can tell by the way he is fiddling with his fingers and biting his cheek.

"What's wrong you look nervous. Are you okay Tobias?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Okay umm would you like to go on a date with me?" He asks. I don't know why he was so nervous I'm mean it's just a simple question.

"Yes of course! Why did you get so nervous?"

"I don't know I thought you might say no"

"Why would I say no?" And just to reassure him I give him a quick peck on the lips and hug him.

"I don't know? So for our date I want you to meet me on the train later at 8:00. Okay?" "Okay that's fine."

"So how did he ask you?!" Christina asks with that girl squeak that she does sometimes.

"All he said was, would you like to go on a date with me? And then he said to meet him at on the train at 8:00."

"Well it's 6:00! We better start getting you ready! Let's go to my apartment!"

"Why so early?" I ask.

"Well I have to make you look presentable and I'm pretty sure you don't know how to use any type of makeup because Abnegation girls don't use any."

She's right I don't know how to use any type of makeup. Growing up in Abnegation, I never saw my mother put on any makeup. It's considered self indulgent because it gives you more attention.

We start towards her apartment to pretty me up as she calls it. When we walk in I see Will sitting on the couch reading a magazine. "Oh hey Will what's up?"

"Oh nothing, I was just reading an article."

"Cool I'm gonna go get my face painted by Christina." I joke. Christina nudges me with her elbow playfully.

"Come on let's go!"

Then I'm dragged to her bathroom where her makeup is and pushed into a chair. She pulls out a giant bag full of makeup. I sigh because I know I'll be here for a while letting her pretty me up .

She pulls out a small bottle that contains a sort of liquid that is my skin color. "Why do you have this color?"

"Well I knew that one day I would do your makeup, so I thought I should keep it here just in case."

She keeps pulling out different cylinder type bottles and telling me what they are.

By 7:15 my face is complete with many types of makeup. I'm still wearing what I wore to choose my job though. I wonder what she has in mind for me to wear?

"Follow me, we still have to find something for you to wear on this date of yours."

In her closet there must be a least a dozen outfits and a lot of dresses too.

"This dress would look great with your skin color! Go try it on!" She says.


I walk over to the bathroom in her bedroom again. I strip off my other clothes and put the dress on. Again she is right and the dress goes well with my skin color.

"Thank you for getting me ready! I have to leave it's almost time to meet Four."

"Alright. See you later. Oh remember that tomorrow you will be telling me everything that happened on your date!" She says as I walk out the door.

I get to the train station at 7:55 and wait for it to come. As I wait, I think about why Tobias was so nervous about asking me out on a date. I dismiss the thought because the train should be arriving any second now.

I hear the sound of the train approaching and get ready to jump on. Running next to the train is amazing. When I'm finally on the train, I notice that Tobias is already there.

"How long have you been there?" I ask.

"Well hello to you too. Oh by the way, you look wonderfully beautiful."

"Oh thanks, Christina did all this. So where are we headed?"

"That is for me to know and you to find out." He says. This kind of annoys me but the fact that this is all for me, makes it okay.

We finally arrive at our destination and jump from the train cart. I recognize this place, it's where the other initiates and I had a game of paint ball. I feel Tobias's fingers lace between mine.

We start walking toward the Ferris wheel. That's where we shared our first kiss. Beneath the Ferris wheel is a big blanket, candles set in each corner and a basket in the side.

I gasp happily. "Oh Tobias this is beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as you."

I feel my face get hot and red with embarrassment. How could he have done all this just in just one night?

I sit down and so does he. Opening the basket I see two wedges of Dauntless cake and two plates of what looks like chicken mixed with pasta. I take out all the food, I put one in front of me and one in front of Tobias.

"I hope you like Alfredo pasta with chicken."

"I don't know I've never tried it before." I say.

"So I know you just got your new apartment but will you move in with me?"


Sorry it took so long to post this. I've been busy with school and other stuff. Leave comments and vote! I'll try to update asap!

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