The Big Party

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After breakfast I went to the mall with my bestfriend Piper to get my nails done. When I got home I went to my room to pick out the perfect party outfit. I had no idea what I was going to wear. I wanted to look sexy but not like slut sexy. So I picked out a back lace crop top with a pale teal skirt, and back heels. I have long hair so I don't like having it up, so I let it loose with some waves, and my makeup was simple with some mascara and a nude lip.

After planning out my look i hopped in the shower. When I was walking out the shower I see Jack sitting on my bed.

"Jack get the hell out of my room."

"Why can't I stay and watch you get undressed."

"NO get out now."

"Fine whatever you say princess."

"Thank and bye."

After he left my room I finally was able to get dressed. When I was done I looked in the mirror and saw a new person. I was beautiful i couldn't believe it was me.

I walked out my room to see Jack waiting outside my room.

"Jack what's wrong."

"Oh, nothing I just wanted to wait for you."


"Jack i don't know what your trying to do but, your not going to get into my pants."

"Kylie i need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I like you, I've always liked you, your sassy and nerdy, and creative and I know that you hate me, but I like you a lot!!"

"Jack i don't know what to say, I mean I like you to but your not the kind of guy that I want, your a player and when you have sex with a girl the next day you dump them right on the curb."

"I know that but can you give me a chance please I will do anything you want to make you go out with me!"

Is he really serious. Should I give him a chance to prove himself, but what if he just doesn't care and forgets about me.

"You have one chance, if you screw it up you won't get another chance."

Before he opened his mouth he crashed his lips onto mine. His lips were so soft and perfect, are lips were moving in sync. It was perfect and amazing, I can't believe that he like me and wants to prove himself. But then he pulled back.

"Why did you pull away."

"You have a party to attend."

"Oh right I knew that."

He intertwined our fingers and we walked down the stairs together. The party was in full swing. Before I knew it Piper had me in a tight hug.


"Piper, I think you need to slow down in the drinks."

"What a-rrrr-e your taling about."


I walked away and went over Ryan.

"Happy Birthday Ry."

"Happy Birthday Ky."

I went to the kitchen and grabbed some voldka and some orange juice and chugged it down.

"Maybe you should slow it down."

I turned around and saw Collin Brason staring at me.

"Maybe you should be quiet and leave me alone."

I walked sets looking for Jack so we can dance together. It as dark so I really couldn't see anything. I saw Jack but he was having a full out make out session on the couch. I walked up to him.

"Your and asshole and I hate you so much, you said that you were gonna prove to me that you want to be with me but this isn't they way to prove it."

"Kylie wait."

"Get the hell away from me and don't touch me I never want to see you."

With that I stormed up to my room and slammed my door.

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