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"I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!" Violet said as she pulled Bonnie Bennett away from her locker and into the girls bathroom

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Violet said as she pulled Bonnie Bennett away from her locker and into the girls bathroom.

Violet spent the weekend completely freaking out over the fact that she might be some magical being. She didn't go out with her friends, she choose to stay at home with her family binge watching Parks and Recreation and overthinking that she made a glass cup float with her bare hands.

So as the days passed, the only thing she knew for sure is that there's only one person that could help her. Bonnie Bennett.

"What the fuck, Violet?" The young witch said as the brunette looked inside the stalls to see if there was anyone in there with them. After she confirmed there was no one there, she stood in front of Bonnie.

"There is something seriously wrong with me." She said, making the other girl think she was crazy. "At the party, you said that you felt my powers or some shit like that. And another thing about the originals. And I think you were right. There is something going on with me. Something supernaturally."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I don't know how to explain it. It's just... things aren't making sense. Doors are being closed on their own. Glasses are floating in the fucking air. Dreams of me with the oldest vampires alive from when they were human" The scooby gang member looked at Violet like she was indeed crazy. "And right now, I don't think I'm human. So, you need to tell me what am I."

"Okay..." Bonnie took a long breath. "It's not that simple. I mean, it's usually genetics. But, we can't know for sure since, we don't know who your biological family are." She sighed. "Meet me after school. I can't try sensing your powers, but my guess... you're a witch, Violet."


"Why aren't you wearing pajamas?" Robbie asked the Mikaelsons siblings as they arrived at the Mystic Falls High School.

"Because we aren't going to sleep." Kol answered. "The real question is, why is everybody wearing pajamas?"

"Didn't you read the groupchat?" The human boy asked revolted. "If this friendship is going to work, I'm gonna need you to read the damn texts." Robbie screamed getting the attention of a few students walking by the hallways. "This is a private discussion, go away!"

"You do know that we're a thousand year old vampires, right? You shouldn't be making threats, mate." The original stated stepping closer to the human.

"I withdraw my comment. Also, you're in my personal space so Imma leave." He said before dramatically turning and walking away. "But read the damn groupchat!" The human boy screamed before running away 

The originals followed him to the classroom where they were met with Blair and Tony as well.

"I'm sorry, am I hallucinating or are the two of you wearing regular clothes?" Blair asked them after putting down her teddy bear.

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