Blank pages

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It was not too early nor too late,
I was surfing the net for a clickbait.
"Your dream, our hands,
Together we can get a perfect land. "
Smirked and judged & was just sliding the thumbnail,
Mistakenly the video starts it's testimony to fail.
Boredom stuck my mind to the moving film,
As some words hit my inner realms.
"We appreciate your bravery,
As you've liberated your thoughts from the society bonded slavery.
This dream is a blank page,
Time will truly tell it's worthy wage.
For now don't see them as empty space,
You've been gifted to write, paint or scribble your lifecase.
You surf high, at times you fumble,
Don't let that phase to you, crumble.
Luck is for losers
But those who filled those blank pages
Lemmy clear something dear, this time luck's on their side. "
Oh! It's true but I know that already
Anyway thanks for realising me especially.
"Mention not"

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