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Pietro's POV

How am I supposed to kill these people?! They seem so nice, and have done no harm. Wait, what exactly did they do to Irina? These are the good guys! They saved the planet. They do heroically things.

"Pietro? Did you hear me?" a voice asks. I turn around to see Clint staring at me, his eyebrows cocked in questioning.

"I apologize. What did you say?" I reply.

"I asked if you wanted to hang out. Just the two of us."

"Oh, sure, that sounds nice," I say, before we leave the girls. The sky is filled with gray clouds, and I'm certain it's going to rain. Probably a huge storm too.

"We should probably get back to the tower," Clint tells me, before grabbing my hand and making a run for it. I jog behind him, trying not to use my speed. About five minutes later, we make it back to the tower, soaked and laughing like kids again.

"Looks like we still got soaked," I say, chuckling under my breath. Clint just gives me a lopsided grin, before ruffling up my hair and laughing. I shoot him a glare; the only person who messes with my hair is Adrian, and he's not here. Speaking of which, I haven't talked to him since yesterday.

"...Hello? Earth to Pietro?" Clint's voice interrupts my thoughts of my blonde, green eyed, Russian best friend.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I question, cocking an eyebrow.

"I was asking if you wanted to hang out in my room, since the storm ruined our other plans...".

"That sounds nice." We walk into the elevator and go up to his floor, go inside his room, and flop down on the bed.

"Ughhhhh, I'm bored as fuck. Want food?". I nod, and watch as he leaves back down the elevator.

Around fifteen minutes later, Clint returns with Chips Ahoy! cookies and gummy bears. I can't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?" he asks me, sitting the junk food down on his purple comforter.

"I- it's just this is stuff I ate as a kid," I explain to him, still laughing under my breath.

"Well, we're gonna' eat it now, so suck it up, buttercup."

"Buttercup? Really? You could have called me anything else, but you chose buttercup," I tease, rolling my eyes at his sense of humor.

"Whatever, you're a jerk," Clint huffed, while eating a cookie. I just shake my head playfully and eat a green gummy bear.

We play video games for about two hours, as the storm rages on. I glance out the window for a split second, and Clint shoots me.

"Damn it, I was just getting good..." I grumble, as Clint throws his hands in victory. I growl.

"I beat your ass! So stop being a sore loser!" Clint scolds me, slapping me on my arm. I roll my eyes once again.

"You're acting like a coach.." I tell him, listening to his deep laugh. His laughter is sexy to me; as if he was just trying to make me fall for him. Whatever it was, it was working.

"I should be your coach," Clint shoots back, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Nah, that would be too hard."

"And why is that?".

"I'm a difficult person to deal with," I explain to him, shrugging my shoulders. And it's true, in a way. I'm a bit of a handful, to say the least. Especially with Adrian. When you put us together, you better brace yourself for World War Three.

"Oh, is that so?" Clint questions, cocking an eyebrow.

I hum in response.

"Well, maybe I can change that," Clint challenges.

"You can try, but you'll most likely fail," I smirk at him. He shares the smirk, and damn, I fucking fall for it. My face flushes red and he chuckles in victory.

"O- oh shut up!" I yell at him.


We marathon Riverdale, while eating the cookies and gummy bears. Around six o'clock, Natasha (I'm pretty sure she is the redhead, other than my sister) tells us that they ordered pizza. So now, I'm having a conversation with Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America. We're talking about books, and artwork.

"So, you like historian novels?" he asks me, while eating a piece of pizza. I nod, and nibble on mine. I don't eat much, because my food breaks down faster than the average person's and I end up puking my guts out (literally).

"Yeah, I used to read a lot, until I got my job. I just don't have much time," I tell him.

"Well, that sucks. Maybe we can check out a bookstore while you're here," Steve replies, smiling softly at me. I notice Tony Stark glaring. 'Are those two dating or something?' I put that thought aside, along with most of my other thoughts.

"Yeah, I suppose we could," I smile back at him, before yawning and finishing off my slice of pizza.

"You tired?" a voice asks. I turn to face Bruce Banner. I know who he is because I'm fascinated with science and robotics. This guy is basically my idol.

"Yeah...time zone changes are killing me," I joke around, trying to put the thought of killing these people in the back of my mind.

"Well, hope you sleep well," he tells me, before going back over to the thunder God and snuggling up to his side. I smile at the two. Everyone here is so thoughtful and caring. I decide to give Irina a call, and walk to Clint's floor.

"Hello?" she answers in that familiar Russian accent.

"Why do you want me to kill the Avengers?" I go straight to the point.

"Are you questioning my orders?!" Irina snaps.

"Maybe I am," I snap back. Usually, I would be okay with the orders. But killing my own sister?! Too far!

"Well, I want them all to rot in Hell," she answers.

"That doesn't answer my question.." I growl.

"Okay, okay, the real reason is because my mother died when they were defeated a villain. They said they couldn't save her, and I was pissed," Irina explains, and for a split second, I feel bad for her. Pity, even. But the quickly washes away.

"I can't go through with the mission."

"If you don't do the mission, you'll die. I will personally kill you myself."

The threat alone sends chills down my spine, but the thing that really gets me is the vision of her killing me personally. All the jokes of her killing Adrian and I are going to become a reality.

And it's all because of two people. Wanda,

And Clint.

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