♢ The End ♢

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Twelve hours later, Pietro woke up in the infirmary, the bullet lying on a tray beside his bed. He was hooked up to dozens of machines, to keep him alive. His eyes scanned the room, before landing on Clint, who was sitting in a chair across the bed.

"C- Clint?" Pietro asked softly, sitting up and propping himself up with the pillow.

"Pietro! Y-you're alive!" Clint yelled with joy, before rushing over to Pietro and hugging him. Pietro groaned in pain.

"Oh, sorry. It's just...I thought you would die..." Clint admitted. Pietro cupped his cheek in his hand and kissed him.

"I'm still here, silly," he giggled, smiling at the blonde above.

"You had us all worried sick!" Wanda's voice rang through the room. Instantly, Clint jumped away from me.

"D- did you see us..?" he asked.

"Oh please, I already knew you two liked each other, since the moment you two met," Wanda explained, grinning mischievously. Pietro's face is red, while Clint is grinning ear to ear.

"So...I can do this?" Clint asked, as he kissed Pietro on the lips. Wanda giggles at her brother's red face.

"Sure, I mean, you two seem happy together..." Wanda smiled, as Natasha walked in.

"I knew it! Clinton Francis Barton, you're in love~~~" Natasha teased, elbowing the blonde. Clint just scoffed playfully.

"Yeah, I guess I am.." he sighed, as he drew invisible patterns on Pietro's palm with his finger. Pietro laughed softly, feeling the tickle. His eyes followed Clint's index finger, which was now making circles on his hand.

"Oh, really now?" Pietro asked, challenging Clint. The archer just stared in surprise.

"Are you questioning my love for you?".


"C'mere," Clint said, before lifting Pietro's chin up and kissing his lips again. The two kiss for what seems like hours, but is actually a few seconds.

"I'm madly in love with you, Pietro Maximoff. Like, I know it sounds cliche, but I really love you. I would love you even more if you became my boyfriend."

And that was the day that Pietro Maximoff became Clint Barton's boyfriend. The two admitted their feelings towards each other to the Avengers, who excepted their relationship.

And they all lived happily ever after....

Pfft. No they didn't. This isn't even the end yet. This is barely the beginning.

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