What can i do ?

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This morning was particulary beautiful and the sky bright for everyone ; except for Larry. He was sitting by the sea listening to the sweat melody of the birds singing while thinking about his life ; his marriage and the discussion he had with Robbert early in which Robbert had finally told him the truth. After Robbert confessed everything to Larry ; Larry left him alone in the living room to go into one of the rooms other than their bedroom. He cried for hours before sleeping. When he woke up ; Robbert had already gone to work . Larry needed to go somewhere to breathe ; so he left Lala with Françoise her nanny and went to the beach. It's been more than three hours he was sitting in the sand ; thinking of a way to help his husband. Yes he was still very angry with Robbert ; but he was his husband and it was his duty to help him. As we said ; it's for better and worst ; even though their relationship since they were married has always been worst than better. Not only did Larry had to deal with Robbert infidelity during all those years ; but also had to deal with Robbert's parents ; especially his mother who had never accepted their marriage until her death. Jeanette Martins never accepted the fact that her only son is gay and he has a  relationship with their maid's son who is black. She always pretented to love Larry and his mother as long as they stayed in their place ; but then showed her real face as a racist and homophobic person the day she knew that her son was in love with Larry. His father ;mr Williams on the other hand ; was an amazing person ;very nice who had always supported them ; he's even the one who paid for Larry cooking classes and gave him the money to open his restaurant that his irresponssible son sold. Larry felt his tears streaming down his cheeks thinking about it. 

After a moment ; he finally decided to call his best friend Sacha because et had to talk to someone or he was going to go crazy. 45 mins later he was in front of Sacha's house. 


Larry : ''Hi honey'' i greeted her when she opened the door. 

Sacha : ''Hi baby boo''she said while hugging me. We went to sit in the living room. 

Sacha : ''Do you want something to drink ? Or eat ? I made your favorite apple pie''. 

Larry : ''No thank you. I'm not hungry''

Sacha : ''wow ! Larry you worry me. What's going on ? What did Robbert do again ? She asked as if she knew already that my sadness was related to Robbert. 

Larry : ''oh Sacha ; i have so many problems ? ''

Sacha : ''these problems must be very serious ; if you Larry has no appetite and even refuse my pie''

Larry : ''you can't even imagine. I'm living a real nightmare actually''. 

Sacha : ''wait ! Don't tell me that Robbert had the nerve to cheat on you again ; Because if it's that i swear i'm going to kill him''. She shouted and i started crying uncontrollably. She took me in her arms and conforted me. I cried for almost an hour in her arms. When i finally calmed down ; i started to explain everything to her. 

Sacha : ''I'm sorry to say that Lar ; but your husband is an certified a**hole'' She said after i finished explaining everything to her. 

Larry : ''please Sacha ; don't start''

Sacha : ''it's true Lar. Your husband is a stupid and selfish idiotic bastard ; a narcissist moron ; an 

Larry : ''ohhhhh it's ok. It's my husband you're talking about so please respect him ; even if you never liked him'' I interrupted her. 

Sacha : ''ok. I'm sorry Lar ; but put your yourself in my shoes. How can i like someone who always makes my best friend cry ? '' I wanted to say something and defend Robert ; but i didn't know what to say because she was right. 

Larry : '' i know my friend. Thank you for always being there for me''. 

Sacha : ''you're welcome darling''

Larry : ''now ; i don't know what to do ? ''

Sacha : '' I know what i have to do. I'm going to go find Robbert at his job and beat him. And i'll take the oportunity to castrate him so you don't have to worry about him having a baby with another secretary''. I started to laugh when she said that. That's why i love Sacha ; only her can make me laugh in this monent. 

Larry : ''you're crazy''i said smilling

Sacha : ''aww i'm happy to see your beautiful smile again. So tell me ; who your stupid husband owes money''. 

Larry : ''he said his name is Laurent Bourgeois''

Sacha : ''Wait ! The Laurent Bourgeois ? Ohhh shit  ''She screams

Larry : ''what ; do you know him''

Sacha : ''Omg ! RIP Robbert. It's was nice to have known you''

Larry : ''please Sacha tell me ; do you knows him ? 

Sacha : ''who doesn't know Laurent Bourgeois in the whole france. He's like Jesus here. Seriously Larry ; you have to take your head off Robbert's pants and look at the outside world. I'm not even surprised that you don't know someone so public like Laurent Bourgeois because all you do now Larry is be at home ; taking care of Robbert daugther ; cooking for him ; sucking his dick when his secretary is tired of doing it.'' The last part she said really hurt me and she noticed that. 

Sacha : '' I'm sorry Larry''

Larry : ''It's ok Sacha. Please tell me what you know about this man''

Sacha : Okay. All i know is that it's the owner of LBS BANK ; a bank for rich people in which you have to have at least 1 million to open a bank account. I know this because Marc ; my old boyfriend and sugar daddy has opened an account for me in this bank. 

Larry : ''So you know this man''

Sacha : '' No no Lar ; i've even never met him in reality ; but i've already seen pictures of him on news papers and also social medias. I swear Larry if i still had that money ; i would have given it to you ; but i have already used it to pay for my mother's medical expences.''

Larry :''i know my friend. What else do you know about him''

Sacha : ''ok. He's a successful Businessman who owns halfs of the hotels ; restaurants and nightclubs in this country. He's a very powerful  man who is even a close friend of our president of the republic and many politicians. For the past 5years ;he has been number one in forbs magazine's list for France's richest man. He's also in the top 10 of the most influential men in the world. That's why i say YOUR ROBBERT IS A WALKING DEAD''

Larry : ''OMG ! But as you said he's very rich ; so maybe he won't care about that million that Robbert owe him''

Sacha : '' You're very naïve Larry if you think that. Rich people are very wicked when it comes to their money. That's how they stay rich. Your Robbert is dead if he doesn't pay him''. I lay down on the couch and closed my eyes. I didn't even notice that Sacha had gotten up and went to her room. She reappeared a few minutes later dressed very sexy. 

Larry : ''Wow ! Are you going somewhere ? I asked here. 

Sacha : ''we are going somewhere''

Larry : ''where ?'' I asked confused. 

Sacha : ''we're going to LBS BANK to see mr Bourgeois and save your husband life''

Larry : ''wait ! We what! No no and no! 

Sacha : ''ohhhh yes and yes ! Let's go baby''

Larry : ''but you said this man is like Jesus ; so how in the hell we're going to manage to even see him before having a chance to talk to him''. 

Sacha : ''Lar don't worry ; just follow me. I knows how to deal with rich men. The majority of them are perverts ;so i know that this mr bourgeois will not resist to my charms. IF HE'S JESUS; I'M THE HOLY MARY. Let's go''. 

Larry : ''Please my GOD help us '' I said while following her. 

(A/N sorry again for the mistakes🙏 . Please i really need your advice ; so please commented. Thank you very much😙❤) 

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