Loving You

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A week later..... 


''What do you think Mr. Martins? Do you like it or is there something you wanted to change. '' Paul asked. 

Larry : '' Please, Paul don't call me Mr. Martins. Call me Larry or Mr. Nicolas if you prefer.''

Paul : '' Okay Larry''

Larry : ''I love it, it's really beautiful .You did a great job. ''

Paul : ''I'm glad you like it.''

 Larry : ''Okay, I'll let you finish your work. Have a nice day. ''

Paul : '' thank you Larry and you too. ''

I started looking at my restaurant and couldn't believe it was my 'crêperie' . Everything was new and luxurious. Paul the designer did a very good job. The opening of the restaurant is in three days.

It's been a week since we came back from 'bora bora'. Laurent and I were officially in a relationship and everything was going well in our relationship. I finally acepted the restaurant, but has a condition which is to pay him  back the money he had spent to buy my restaurant. My relationship with Robbert taught me a lesson; that you should never trust people at hundred percent. And I also don't want to owe anything to anyone.

I also finally agreed to live in his apartment where we made love, but I'm still looking for an apartment to rent. Laurent comes to sleep there every night. It's like we live together and I think it's too fast. I'm not ready to live with anyone. He spends more time in this apartment than his house. I want to talk to him about it, but I don't want him to get mad and I also don't want to hurt him.

As for Robbert, I didn't see or speak to him. I even changed my number so he couldn't call me. I know that sooner or later I'm going to have to talk to him, especially that we need to discuss about our divorce and also Lala, but for now I'm not ready to see him. Poor Françoise was fired because she brought Lala to see me and spent the day with me twice without asking Robbert's permission. And when he found out he fired her.

I wanted to go to him and explain that I also have the right to see Lala and even though we are not together, she is and always will be my daughter. Robert never cared about his daughter. Since she was born, he has never spent time with her alone. I'm the one who's always taken care of her. And now he has the nerve to fire Françoise the only person after me who take good care of Lala and that Lala loves so much. Just to punish me !! The poor baby girl is alone now in this big house in which Robbert is never there.

Robbert thinks he's crazy, but I'm going to show him that i'm crazier than he is. Even if I don't want to see him, I'll go to his office and confront him. But first I will tell Laurent, not that I need his permission, but I don't want to do things behind his back. And also Laurent becomes another person when he comes to Robbert. He gets annoyed when I say his name, so I can't imagine how he'll react if he found out I went to see him. My phone started ringing and it was Laurent.

Larry : *smile* '' Hi baby''

Laurent : ''Hi my angel. What are you doing ? ''

Larry : ''I'm at the restaurant to see if everything is ok for the opening. Are you at the bank ?''

Laurent : '' No, I'm outside contemplating the beauty of nature. And there's something really splendid that has captivated my attention, and i can't stop looking at it.''

Larry : ''aww that must be splendid. Are you in a park or something like that?''

laurent : '' No, I'm standing in front of a restaurant looking at an angel through the glasses. He has a white shirt and blue jeans on him. ''

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