Heat Week Again & A New Comer & A WHOLE NEW WORLD???!

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~Kirishima's POV~

A few months have passed after our honeymoon, and oh boy have they been great! Katsuki has become the Barbarian king, and we've been having the good life.

The dragon area is just popping out babies left and right, and we made the dragon population high and mighty again. But, hunters are not allowed to hunt dragons at all cost.

But once again.....I'm back in my heat. Katsuki knows and we made the decision to make use of heat week. Katsuki is my mate, and he wanted to help and we wanted kids so now it's waiting time to see if it will happen or not.

I look down at Katsuki, who's on my lap panting. "Holy... cràp,... Eiji..." He said between pants. I smile at him. "Come on let's do another round please~." His jaw drops. "We've already done like six rounds!"

I roll my eyes at him. "You wanted to help me and you wanted kids. So come on, let's do it~." He sighed and got back on top of me. "Alright let's do this."

~A few weeks later~

Katsuki had to go to the village to do some "kingly" work. I have no idea what that means but I think that it's something important.

I'm in the dragon area just walking around. Speaking to some of them. The usual stuff. "OH KIRISHIMA!!!" Someone said in a sing songy voice. "Hey you guys!" I walked towards the "village lunatics". "YOU WANNA HANGOUT WITH US!" Kaminari said.

I smiled. "Sorry guys I'm not supposed to leave the castle." They looked at me confused. "Why?" Sero asked. "Ya see, um, I just really can't." They still looked confused. "Why not?" I crossed my arms. "Guys are you-" I paused there was a burning sensation in my throat.

"Kiri?" "Are you alright?" "What's wrong?" I stayed still and the burning sensation felt like it was choking me. I started to cough, and I fell to the floor. "Kiri! Someone help!" Kaminari yelled out. Guards and maids came running in.

They all rushed to me. "Kirishima, is everything alright?" One of the maids asked me. The burning sensation felt like it was about to come out of my mouth. I put my hands on the ground, and I kept coughing and coughing.

The burning sensation was so close to getting out of my system. My eyes were getting blurring, I could tell that I was crying. Then I looked up a little to see a blurry Katsuki running towards me.

"What's wrong, Eiji?!" Katsuki asked me, but I couldn't talk I could just keep coughing. "Sir, we asked him if we should the Heimlich remover, and he shook his head no. This is something that Kirishima must do on his own." Katsuki nodded and I kept coughing.

Then that's when the burning sensation went out of mouth and most of my breakfast came with it too. I kept coughing more to get it out of my system. When I opened my eyes to what came out of me, I saw that it was an egg. Nothing too big nor too small.

I smiled and leaned on to Katsuki. He held me in his arms and asked,"Eiji, is that... Ours?" I nodded weakly in his arms. He hugged me tightly, and I managed to speak out. "You know what to do with the egg, correct?" The maids nodded and picked up my egg and took it to the baby room.

I kissed Katsuki's cheek, and hung out on to him. The lunatics were still there and they smile at me. "We'll be off now." They said as they walked out. "You did well, Ei." I nodded as Katsuki said that to me.

After I regained my strength, Katsuki and I went down to the baby room to see our egg. The egg was very pretty, it had red and orange splotches on the white shell. The egg was over a heating lamp that was created by glass and magma.

I knew that Katsuki and I were going to be very excited when the baby did come. "What do you think it'll be?" I asked. Katsuki shrugged and said," I'll be happy with whatever." I smiled and nodded.

~9 months later~

I was enjoying my sleep with Katsuki, snuggling against him and him snuggling against me. Then that's when the door flew open. "KING BAKUGO AND KING KIRISHIMA! I HAVE NEWS!" A maid yelled. Katsuki and I jolted awake, and groaned a bit.

"What do you want?" Katsuki said as he hugged me. "SIRS! THE BABY IS COMING!" Katsuki looked at me and I looked at him. I smiled and hopped out of bed and ran out with Katsuki on my tail. Not actually though.

We ran down to the baby room, and there we saw the shell cracking. I ran to it and saw little baby hands crack open the egg shell. I help the baby get out and by the time that there was room for it to get out. You could the see the gender of the baby.

"KATSUKI! ITS A GIRL! ITS A GIRL!" I yelled even though Katsuki was right by my side. I held up my baby girl and I held her loving in my arms. I looked at Katsuki, and I felt tears roll down my cheeks. Katsuki wiped my tears even though he too was crying.

I kiss her forehead and looked at Katsuki. "What are we gonna name her?" He asked. I thought about it, and decided. "How about... Ryū?" (A/N Ryū means dragon) Katsuki nodded. "Ryū it is."

Katsuki kissed my forehead and then Ryū's. "Can I hold her now?" He asked. "Of course, Suki." I passed her over to Katsuki who held her just perfectly. He craddled her, and whispered sweet nothing-ness in her ear. I smiled at them, glad that this all happened.

We went back upstairs with Ryū and got into bed. Katsuki held her in his arms still, and continued to lather her in beautiful words. I cuddled up next to Katsuki as he smiled at me, and I drifted off to sleep.

~Katsuki's POV~

As I held Ryū in my arms, I drifted off to sleep. Though for some reason, it felt like I was waking up. It was weird, so I decided to open my eyes again to see if someone was playing a prank on me.

When I opened my eyes back up, I was looking at a tan ceiling with the sun shining through the windows. I also heard the beeping of my alarm. When I looked to my left, it was just the rest of my bed. When I looked in my arms, I was just hugging a pillow.

Then it hit me....

It was just a dream...

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